Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hallelujah! It happens to others too!

Remember what happened earlier this month? 2 robbery cases, victims from both cases were robbed and incapacitated, and people just passed by without attempting to help? Well, this is like a global phenomenon. I just read this from Yahoo! Taiwan that a woman was robbery before ATM, and lots of people just watched, no one tried to stop the robbery.

By the way, this happened on 19 July, 2012. Old news.

I know I know, this is old news from Taiwan, why am I even mentioning it?

My point is, this is human nature, it is universal, what a great news! Now the PR of our police can come out and speak loudly on TVs, radios, newspapers, and tell people, our crime rate is really low, just look at Taiwan, people are robbed under broad daylight in public downtown and no one helped. In Malaysia, we can exepct a lot of bystanders, gathering around to watch the whole incident. We are so much better than Taiwan.

Now, we can feel real safe in Malaysia. We should, because the police told us so.

Guess what? I watch over my back all the time. Only in Malaysia.







Sunday, July 29, 2012

Robbed twice in 7 hours

Yes, you are reading it right. A family in Kepong were robbed twice in 7 hours. I just saw this on the tv news. My search on youtube has nothing about this yet. Just like last week, Kepong residents came out to say that a lot of robberies had happened lately, and now this case in Kepong, again. What is the police going to say? Tell the public this is a false perception only? That the media is exaggerating? or even fabricating? I actually have a feeling that police is going to place a gag order on the media soon.

The government can keep on telling all the tourists, Malaysian citizens and residents that this is only a false perception, created by the media. But the victims of crimes know better.

Only in Malaysia.


Monday, July 23, 2012




一個月內有20 起搶刼案,警方會不會說那只是那主婦的個人印象?

Kepong area of Kuala Lumpur City is always known as the "BLACK ZONE" when it comes to crime rate. Last night, the residents of Kepong said it on 8pm TV news, that 20 robberies had happened in Kepong over the past one month period.

A local resident, a home-maker, said it on the news, that last week, while she and her daughter was at home, robbers tried to force their way into her house. She screamed, and neighbours screamed, her daughtered tried to call police on her mobile phone, at last the robbers ran off. She is really brave to come out to say this.

Three weeks ago, police just said that Malaysia is really safe, crime rate is dropping, it is all the false perception created by the media by focusing on reporting negatives matters, like crimes.

20 robberies in one month in the same area, what will the police say to that? Will the police say that it is all the home-maker's personal false perception?

NOTE TO SELF: After a spell of sickness, finally I am back.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

What will you do when you are the bystander?

2 days ago, in Air Itam, Penang, a Malaysian Chinese woman in her 60's, was robbed by a snatch-thief. Yesterday she passed away in the hospital, from the injuries she sustained from the robbery.

Last week, also in George Town, Penang, an artist/gallery-owner, was robbed in her gallery, the robbers cut her throat, but she was not killed.

What the 2 cases have in common? No people helped them.

In the case in Air Itam, newspapers ran the photos taken by the surveillance camera of the nearby motorcycle parking lot, which belongs to a flat. In the photos, the deceased was dragged by two snatch-thieves  on a motorcycle, and her head hit the ground. And according to the footage, she laid there for hours, and at least 6 people passed by without anyone trying to help.

It was an elder man who needed a cane to walk that saw her and called for help.

And in the case last week, the artist/gallery-owner was robbed, cut, bleeding, and with her gallery door wide open, the lights well-lit in the gallery, she was on the floor, leaning on the wall, near the door, which was clearly visible to anyone passing by, and there were also a few people passed by. They did not help. Finally a man passing by called for help.

This is the scary fact of Malaysian society. No, we have never heard of people are sued after they helped victims of road accidents like what happened in China. We just do not help.

It is easy for those who are reading this kind of news to say anything, make any comments they want. But what are you going to do when it is right in front of you? I mean when you are the by-standers or the people passing the crime scene; what are you going to do? Will you call an ambulance? call the police?

And about calling an ambulance, I got a personal little story here:
I was living at Kepong at the time, my septuagenarian mother fainted one night, I tried to call ambulance, no one picked up the phone at the Selayang Government Hospital, out of desperation, I tried to call UM hospital, and a woman picked up the phone, but told me since I live in Kepong, call Selayang hospital. I had no car, at the end I called a friend with a 4-wheel-drive to help send my mother to hospital.

This is something really happenning in Malaysia, not something that happened in China, like the toddler who got hit by a car and people just let her died.

Remember, talk is cheap.





