Friday, September 28, 2012

Dong Zong and MCA and Nazri

Dong Zong and MCA and Nazri

On 26 Sept, 2012, the Minister in Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz actually received the memorandum on behalf of Najib from five representatives of Dong Zong, led by its chairman Yap Sin Tian and vice-chairman Chow Siew Hon, at Parliament, in front of the press.

What is going on here? In front of the media, while receiving the memorandum, Nazri actually said something that sounds like supporting the cause of the of Dong Zong. According to theSun Daily (Malaysia,, Nazri actually said, “It is not wrong … We should not have any narrow views about them.”

Shudders, the moment I read this, and more shudders after I gave it a lot of thoughts.

For years Dong Zong, along with the Chinese community in Peninsular Malaysia have been campaigning to have an Independent Chinese Secondary School in Kuantan. And this years, out of the blue, the government gave a letter of approval for an Independent Chinese Secondary School in Kuantan. Rejoice! This is a generous gift from BN government, all Chinese in Malaysia are eternally in debt to BN for it and should be grateful for the rest of the eternity. And remember to vote for MCA in the coming General Election, for this is the fruit of the hard labour of the brave, selfless, relentless MCA , especially the Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Kai Siong, through his position in the cabinet; and THIS can only be achieved if the BN is in power.

Really? Show us the letter of approval, we want to see the details and fine prints, as we have learned from years of broken promises and deceits, especially from MCA. Bizarrely this time around, only Yap Sin Tian and Chow Siew Hon showed the mistrust by keep asking for the publicize of the letter of approval, while the columnists and reporters in Chinese news media, and the other factions in Dong Zong and Chinese communities are singing the same tune as MCA, that the letter of approval really granted a new Independent Chinese Secondary School to Kuantan. The people from Kuantan even said it publicly that they had personally read the letter of approval, there is absolute no problem.

After a few weeks of quibbling on the media, and internet, suddenly all Chinese newspaper published this news:
The letter of approval was posted on a blog, and according to the scanned copy of the letter of approval on that blog, the school to be set up in Kuantan must be conducted in Bahasa Malaysia(the official language of Malaysia, the Malay standardized by Malaysian government).

MCA came out to say that the details of the letter of approval is irrelevant, it is an Independent Chinese Secondary School, as long as MCA say so.

Naturally more quibbling followed, and then some group tries to topple Yap and Chow from Dong Zong (which is still not settled yet on 29 Sept, 2012), and naturally even more quibbling followed, leading to the point of Dong Zong placing advertisement in Chinese newspapers, calling for a gathering on Sept 26, to force Datuk Dr Wee to resign and to save the Chinese schools, and it ended with the “event” mentioned at the beginning of this post.

According to theSun, in the memorandum, Dong Zong made 8 demands to the Prime Minister. And according to the Chinese newspapers, Dong Zong made 8 pleas to the Prime Minister. Anyway, they are just the same 8 issues the Chinese Malaysian have been campaigning for years to be resolved, and they are actually just touching on the same old issues Chinese have been campaigning, lots of other issues either written or unwritten in the advertisement in the Chinese newspaper are missing, especially the call to force Datuk Dr Wee to resign. Typically Chinese behaviour.

Nazri actually showed some kind of support for Dong Zong. This is scary. Over the years, especially during the reign of Dr M, whenever Chinese communities said anything about setting up more Chinese school, sufficient number of teachers for Chinese schools, and all the other long standing issues, UMNO will come out to scold them, intimidating them, with MCA tagging behind, intimidating the people they are supposed to be representing/protecting.

Now Nazri, an important figure in UMNO, actually showed support for Dong Zong? I know Malaysia is bound by law to held General Election before mid 2013, and the suspense of when the parliament is going to be resolved is killing the politicians, those in the government offices and the opposition alike. But Nazri? What are they going to do to Chinese Malaysian after the General Election? Kill all of them? In 2007/2008, just a few months befoe the election, during the General Meeting of UMNO, they actually lifted up keris, as a war-cry statement. Officially that was not a war-cry, but everyone who saw it on the news knew the true meaning of it. So Malaysian Chinese, especially those in Dong Zong, remember the keris, and have nightmares after Nazri received your memorandum, they are not going to forgive you for making Nazri making this kind of statement. As for MCA? They can just jump into South China Sea and swim their way back to China, as their master UMNO had been telling them to do all these years.

Nazri showed support for Dong Zong? Shudders.

Friday, September 21, 2012



  1. 砂朥越人和半島人同在台灣一家大學唸書;在宿舍內,半島人當砂朥越人的面對台灣人說:"砂朥越沒有戲院,沒有機場,人都是住在樹上的。"
  2. 砂朥越人在吉隆坡下機,談生意的對方派來接機的人說:“歡迎來到馬來西亞。”原來砂朥越不是馬來西亞的一部份喎。


  1. 滑蛋生麵:芡汁不夠熱,炸過的生麵吃到最後仍然是浸不軟,硬硬的。配料中蝦不見了,只剩下魚餅和豬肉。
  2. 招牌米粉:盡只是鹹。


  1. 今年8月的風采才提到去年10月的糖百府開張這種在時事雜誌圈中已經是太古時代的事,這雜誌是怎麽了?
  2. 而且今年8月的風采面市時,才有人把去年的有線電視的影頻貼上網;這是不是風采自己弄的?博宣傳?
  3. 去年10月蘇施黃來馬宣傳糖百府的時候有線電視已經播出了,有不少人看到,怎麽當時沒人駡?是不是反向操作?糖百府到了今年8月還是沒甚麽生意,所以趁蘇施黃的合約已經過期了,再來一次反向宣傳?所以那麽重視馬來西亞人的感受,登報公開道歉?同時和蘇施黃切斷關係?別忘記去年肯德基店員在店內打人的事,被打的顧客去報警後,警方竟然以當時打人的人手中沒有武器,所以不能起訴,就此結案。馬來西亞華人是有人駡,但肯德基從來沒有道歉或作任何公關動作,還不是生意滔滔?華人還有駡肯德基嗎?肯德基當華人是甚麽?大家心中有數。



Monday, September 10, 2012

She was handcuffed because it was a standard procedure

A teenage girl, who the government alleged was caught on tape while displaying indecent behavior to the picture of One Najib, on the eve of Merdeka Day.

She turned herself in to the police, and was handcuffed, and the news-photographers were informed to take the picture of her in handcuffs.

Now the question is, handcuffed? A lot of criminals are not handcuffed publicly. Yes, I mean criminals, like robbers, rapists, they are actually not handcuffed by police in the public, and the photos were all over newspapers.

And now a minister actually said the girl was handcuffed because that is the standard police procedure. Huh? Then why those criminals were shown publicly not handcuffed?

It's like the Chinese, the character GUAN(官) has two mouths in it. The government can always say whatever they want to say, have multiple standards over the same kind of matter, and the same law.

Just look at the recent events, so many people, who openly proclaimed themselves to the members or supporters of UMNO and BN, insulting the pictures of Lim Guan Eng, and others who are not part of BN, are they even rebuffed in the public? No, police never say or do anything to them. Now, that's double standard.

Handcuffed a teenage girl and showcased it to the public over what is nothing more than a trivia issue, only in Malaysia.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hong Kong students protest

The students and parents launched a series of protest against the brainwashing in school education system.

Okay, this is what is happening in Hong Kong. So why am I saying this here? This blog is about Malaysia only.

A. I actually see this being reported on tv news, maybe just a little bit about the hunger strike, but it was aired nevertheless.

B. The One Najib actually is not afraid of being compared to what is happening in Hong Kong? And not afraid it will inspire the locals? With all the tv campaign brainwashing Malaysia citizens that Bersih 3.0 is a crime? The protests in Hong Kong is like a mirror to us.

And there is something to learn here, a really good lesson about hand-shaking with the G-men, especially in the public, before the cameras:
The reigning governor visiting the students in hunger-strike, surrounded by cameras and news-people, naturally. He tried to shake-hand with one of the students, the students refused, and instead the student bowed and stepped backward.

An actor/director commented him for doing so, as this sends a clear message, that there was never any agreement between the two of them. This actor/director speaks from personal experience. He was rallying to protect Diaoyu Islands in Hong Kong in 1971, and a then high ranking police officer visited the protesters, out of politeness, the actor/director sheepishly shook-hand with that police officer, and later the photo was published with the caption "The two had reached an agreement". So hand-shaking can be a really scary thing.






附筆:剛在 看到,勞勿的人反山埃的官司,勞勿人輸了。要看到孩子健康的活下去,勞勿人還要走很長的路才看得到。
It's always the darkest before the dawn.