Thursday, January 31, 2013

Just a few photos from Kepong.

 At Jusco Kepong, taken with a really bad phone camera. the center court is set up for Chinese New Year goods fair.

This is corned-beef? It is really labelled to contained 30% horse meat; (I missed read it before, the label did not say specifically the percentage of the horse meat content); from Japan, in non-halal section in Jusco Kepong, Japanese corned-beef, where else can you get it but from a chain from Japan?

This way to 1Malaysia clinic, it is everywhere now, like 7-11.

 Street lamps not working, just outside Jusco Kepong.
 Is that really Movenpick?
 Just called BOTTEGA DEL GELATO, according to the label, this is an Australian product. The label looks authentic, but is this a new brand? Because I had not seen this brand while I was in Australia 20 years ago.

Taken late last year(2012), just before I read it on newspaper that we will only have 4G connection in Malaysia in 2013.

From Taiwan, available in Jusco. China is not the only place known for Shan-Zai(山寨, which means imitate or counterfeit industry in contemporary Mandarin), Taiwan is a good place too. This one is intimating a kind of Japanese chocolate, the original is available in Hokkaido only, for marketing purposes. And the manufacturer of the original was involved in food scandal a few years back, like they bought the expired Japanese red bean paste and repackaged them into new pastry, and sell as newly baked goods, something like that; anyway, I am not buying either the original, or the counterfeit, or the imitator, or the Snow brand line of products anymore.


  1. Just replying to your comment on Bottega Del Gelato - I worked on the final artwork (initial design done by other ppl) of that packaging in Melbourne, Australia about 6months ago. It was produced in Australia - Melbourne to be exact by a new gelato company established just a couple year ago. They secured the deal to export and sell their products at Jusco. :)

  2. 敬爱的马来亚佛总理事先生Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia佛寺理事先生以及佛教信徒.

    自从Yip Kum Fook (MCA Gombak Chairman)当任主席, 有预谋的迫走本地和尚(吉兰丹), 而遠聘缅甸和尚, 当任主持之后Samnak Sambodhi Thai Buddhist Temple No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia(暹廟)就一直发生种种的是是非非, 以引起方民間議論纷纷.

    其因是Yip Kum Fook (MCA Gombak Chairman)所领导的理事会, 勾结外耒的缅甸和尚, 以啇業経营, 不依佛法的精神办事, 只借宗教之名捞取权和私利所引起………. 最近又自行一套商业手法, 规定任和人, 若想出家当和尚修道者, 必先供给RM400大元, 否则免谈. 這种啇業手法, 已引起广大的信徒愤怒而不满.

    Samnak Sambodhi Thai Buddhist Temple (暹廟)是佛总之联会, 而身佛堂之主席Yip Kum Fook (MCA Gombak Chairman)不以佛陀的教誨, 修心養性, 却反其道而行, 接着权势, 无悪不做, 三妻四妾, 骗财骗色, 破坏別人的家庭.....现在他的排聞满天飞, 不但给佛寺帶耒不好的名声, 也間接的耻辱佛教信仰者.

    所从我们祈望马来亚佛总与Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia理事同仁, 给以关注, 共創義举, 维护佛法

    此致, 并
    祝安康, 工作愉快.
