Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov 25, 1125, who will answer the call of Dong Zong?

In a press conference on 20 Nov, 2012, Dong Zong claimed that 540 Chinese organizations will attend the 1125 (25 Nov, 2012) rally, to tell the government they are not happy with the new Education Blueprint.

At the other side, Jiao Zong had made it clear that this organization, along with Hua Zong, and lots of other Chinese organizations will not attend the rally. Actually they call for Malaysian Chinese community not to attend the rally or show any support for Dong Zong, because Jiao Zong and Hua Zong are working real hard with MCA and government to have a new Education Blueprint that is acceptable to everyone.

Hua Zong? Do you believe that organization any more? After the case of Letter Of Approval for Chinese Independent Middle School in Kuantan, how can anyone in his/her right mind still believe in that organization? It is crystal clear that Hua Zong is only sucking up to the government, because they are afraid of being labelled as anti-government. That school in Kuantan is just a shame, and Hua Zong is still standing by MCA to say it is not. Just how thick skinned can they be? And now they are calling people to follow their footsteps? To boycott 1125 rally? Is Hua Zong getting any real financial gain from the government in this? I wonder. Bizarrely, there are actually Chinese organizations had made public statements that they are not supporting the 1125 rally.

So, on the surface, Jiao Zong and Dong Zong are moving apart, the 2 once Siamese-twins like bodies are almost enemies now, or maybe already are behind the scene.

In the Chinese newspapers, Sin Chew Daily and her sisters are campaigning against 1125 rally. So despite the near desperate efforts of Dong Zong, there is very little voice in the media supporting this rally. So come this 25 Nov, who will answer the call of Dong Zong and show up in the rally? What kind of people? And worst of all, will it ever be reported if the rally got a huge turn out?

WARNING! CRUEL AND SCARY VIDEO. Below is a link to an experiment on how to boil a frog alive:
Just type "frog boil alive" in search bar in youtube, and you will get more videos like this. Scary.





在11月25日當天,甚麽人會去支持?抱著甚麽心態?會有多少人?星洲日報和同一集團的姊妹報一直在反1125大集會,那在當天如果有大批公衆參加, 星洲和姊妹報會怎樣報導?

Added on 2013-04-01:
I just checked my statisitics, and was surprised that it was viewed again a few days back. On 2012-Nov-25, it was a huge turned-up, lots of people showed up with entire family, like grand-parents, parents, children, even babies.

This shows we Malaysians know what we want, what we need, and we are not afraid to do what is perfectly our right to do, that is to express what we feel, what we want.


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