Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Police Surveillance on wifi

Someone showed me this screenshot from a laptop while online in Oldtown, Kepong.

It shows that at 6:49pm, Sunday, 16th Dec, 2012, near Oldtown in Jaya Jusco Kepong branch, there is a ICPO-INTERPOL Surveillance van using wifi connection, or scanning the wifi connection in the area.

When a laptop with wifi card searches for available wifi signals, all the wifi connections in the area will show up, with their names.

But just like bluetooth, each device can be given any name the user likes, so is wifi device. So is this really a surveillance van from INTERPOL? Or is the 1 Najib scanning for what his loyal subjects are doing on a Sunday in Kepong. One just have to wonder.



Sunday, December 16, 2012

Do not go watch 12 Chinese Zodiac

Jackie Chan is at it again!

He just scolded the Hong Kong people for voicing their dissatisfaction over that fact that the governor lies, and they do not want the brain-wash education. He publicly said that Hong Kong people should just listen and obey the governor and the government of People's Republic of China blindly. So Hong Kong people are calling for a boycott of his just released new movie, 12 Chinese Zodiac. And Jackie Chan actually answered that he has the global box-office.

Sick. What is he going to say about anti-Lynas campaign? About protecting the cultural heritage of Jalan Sultan here? Yes, you got the idea. Do not watch 12 Chinese Zodiac. We have done away with kindergarten movies for years; and his movies are always like kindergarten movies; remember that he once criticized that Hong Kong movie was kindergarten grade.



Dec 23 2012:
O this is good! Hong Kong people are no longer in kindergarten anymore. Just read the Hong Kong box-office figure, Jackie Chan's new movie just got like 450k in box-office, way below Wreck-it Ralph. Yeah! Remember, do not watch his movie.

Dec 31 2012:
What is wrong with the newspaper in Malaysia? I see this in China Press on Dec 30, 2012, and it dated Dec 29, 2012. The piece is Wang Dan (王丹) told the news media, calling people not to watch 12 Chinese Zodiac, to let that he-forever-thought-he-is-really-popular Jackie Chan know people do not like him. Dec 29, 2012? The movie had been released for days. Did he Wang Dan (王丹) really just mention this on Dec 29, 2012?

Jan 8 2013:
A few days ago, Jackie Chan was ranked 14 on THE TOP 100 HUMAN PULP IN CHINA OF THE YEAR 2012, for his effort in supporting the move of Hong Kong government and PROC to curb Hong Kong people's freedom of expression. I was a little disappointed when I first read this news, I thought he should be in the top 10, but after going through the list, I agreed with those voters, he is not that bad yet, a lot of of those on the list had done much worse than him.

Still, my congratulations to JACKIE CHAN for getting his well deserved number 14 spot on THE TOP 100 HUMAN PULP IN CHINA OF THE YEAR 2012.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Officially, we do not have 4G infrastructure in Malaysia yet.

Officially, next year, that is AD2013, Malaysia will have 4G services coverage in the country. I just read this news online:


So what? This is Malaysia.

What do you mean? There is no 4G service in Malaysia yet, how could those telecommunication carriers sell the service?

Again, this is Malaysia.


This is Malaysia! They can make false advertisement and will not be punished in anyway, either by the consumers, or by the laws, or by regulation authorities. This is actually a non issue in Malaysia. You can sign up for what is nothing more than 2G or 2.5G at best, and limited coverage area, slow speed, narrow bandwidth, and limited data volume, and it is called 4G in Malaysia.


Yes. When the advertisement says like RM100+ for like less than 1GB per month, it really is far less than 1GB per month, if you were not carefully and say, watched youtube, and then you will used up 1GB in like a week, and then you will have to pay some more money for your internet traffic for the rest of the month.

But there is no 4G service in Malaysia yet.

We are going to have 4G in Malaysia next year.

Then what are we, I and the other subscribers paying for? 2G?

Frankly, I have no idea. According to my data volume counter and the speed test I ran on my account, what I get is far below the standard of 2G. I am not in the IN-circle, just a consumer, using the data volume counter and speed test softwares. So I have absolutely no idea how we got into this 4G package with no 4G service situation in Malaysia.

Now, dear readers, you got my message? This is the internet connection in Malaysia.

A little info from Australia again, it turned out that one of my relations in Australia was kind of duped. Now it is 3AUD/hr for mobile internet access in Australia, the 2AUD/day package is gone.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The 1 Najib Addresses The GM's Of Other BN Parties

Yesterday, 2nd Dec, 2012, Sunday, with UMNO annual general meeting 2012 just over on 1st Dec, 2012, Saturday, the 1 Najib attended the general meeting of one of the component parties of BN, a really small political party.

And as it is the norm of this year, the gm is like the election campaign. With the flags of BN everywhere, overshadowing the color of the party, all attendants wear the blue uniform bearing the sign of BN, instead of the dress code of the party. The name of the party? It is such a small party, I could not bother with it.

And as it is the norm of all the gm's of all the component parties of BN, the prime minister of Malaysia, and also the chairman of UMNO, made the opening speech at the gm. This year, the 1 Najib addressed the party gm with calls to win the coming general election, GE13.

See anything weird yet?  That all attendants wearing the uniform of BN? That instead of the chairman of the party, someone who is not a member of the party addresses the party gm?

That's right, at the gm of UMNO, all the attendants are UMNO members. They all wear according to the dress code of the party. None from the component parties of BN attended the UMNO gm, and most certainly no one from the component parties of BN can ever get on the stage and address the UMNO gm.

This is the norm of BN culture: that the chairman of UMNO must addresses the gm of every party in BN, but only the chairman of UMNO may addresses UMNO. It is clear that UMNO views and treats all other parties in BN as low class groups, servants or slaves like. The most nauseating part is, those who are being treated this way actually put on a show for the media, that they are so happy to be treated this way by UMNO, that they are loyal to the 1 Najib, and will win the coming GE13 for him. The scene on tv news, that had to be the grossest thing of the year.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Live Coverage of UMNO General Meeting On TV

29 Nov, 2012, Thursday.

In Malaysia, the current government is formed by a coalition of parties called Barisan Nasional, BN for short. In BN, the single biggest party is UMNO. The current prime minister of Malaysia is a member of UMNO, and more than half of his cabinet is made up of UMNO members.

Today is the 4th day of the annual general meeting of UMNO. The prime minister of Malaysia, who also is the party chairman, the one and only Najib, is addresing the party today. So RTM1, TV3, NTV7, 8TV, TV9, all 5 free to air tv channels are broadcasting the live coverage of the one and only Najib making his speech in the UMNO general meeting.

Malaysian parliament sessions are not broadcasted live, except for the budget report, and this only happened since the past few years. Many people from many sectors have been calling for live coverage of parliament sessions for years, but no television channel ever showed any interest in broadcasting parliament sessions, and the government is not giving green light.

In fact, other than sponsored major sport events, like Olympic games, or Datuk Lee Chung Wei is fighting for a gold medal, or his wedding, or national day parade and the likes, Malaysians see very little live coverage of any activities of any kind at all, so why the live coverage of a general meeting of a party? Yes, the chairman is making his speech today. But it is still a general meeting of a political party, how is that more important than parliament sessions?

This is the underlying message of the live broadcast:
the One Najib is the most important person in Malaysia, UMNO is the one party that controls the nation, so the speech by the One Najib in general meeting of his party is the most important event of the year, all Malaysians should tune in to understand and remember this. And remember to stay loyal to him, vote for him in the coming general election, GE13. Stray away from him, and suffer the consequences.

The One Najib is still delivering his speech as I am typing this. Looking at the screen, a book and 2 movies came to my mind:
1984(a book),
“V for Vendetta”, “Wag The Dog” (2 movies).

If you do not understand why they came to my mind, google for the summaries of them. Or actually go read the book “1984”.

General meeting of the ruling political party is more important than parliament sessions, scary. Only in Malaysia.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Both happened on 25th Nov, 2012

According to tv news, at the 1125 rally, the organizer, that is Dong Zong claimed 20,000 people had turned out, and media estimated it at 6,000. A huge gap in the 2 figures. Of course both sides have reasons to inflate, down-play the figures.

Dong Zong needs to exaggerate the turn-out figure to show they have the support of the people, and  the media needs to down-play the figure so as not to offend the One Najib.

But looking at the news footage of 1125, I believe the number of people who turned out is far higher than 6000.

I did not see any report about 1125 rally or Anti-Lynas March on the TV3 00:00 26th Nov, 2012 English news, it was just full of the elections talks from One Najib, and the vice-prime-minister/education-minister trashing Dong Zong.

What figure will the Chinese dailies report on Monday?

Green March reached Merdeka Square on 25th Nov, 2012, and the police say the marchers had broken the law. What is that? The only thing marchers did is walk, they walked from Kuantan to Merdeka Square, they did not commit any act of violence, did not damage any property, either public or private, did not vandalize anything, did not shout any kind of insults to any one, be it personal, racial, religious, or nationality. And the police say they had broken the law? Is it because the One Najib is afraid of them? But the Malaysian court had cleared the way for Lynas to start operation, and the raw rare-earth ore had arrived a few days ago in the wee hours. So Malaysia is going to have Lynas after all.





A Buddhism celebrity visits Malaysia

A Buddhism celebrity from Taiwan just visited Malaysia, and made a public preaching appearance on 25th Nov, 2012. Before the event, he met the One Najib, as a courtesy call and gave him a scroll of Chinese calligraphy, which is by the celebrity himself.

This celebrity had decided not to travel far a number of years ago, because of his failing health. Now that the GE13 is inevitably around the corner, he came here and met the One Najib? However the story is spinned, it just reads like a show, for the political gain.




Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov 25, 1125, who will answer the call of Dong Zong?

In a press conference on 20 Nov, 2012, Dong Zong claimed that 540 Chinese organizations will attend the 1125 (25 Nov, 2012) rally, to tell the government they are not happy with the new Education Blueprint.

At the other side, Jiao Zong had made it clear that this organization, along with Hua Zong, and lots of other Chinese organizations will not attend the rally. Actually they call for Malaysian Chinese community not to attend the rally or show any support for Dong Zong, because Jiao Zong and Hua Zong are working real hard with MCA and government to have a new Education Blueprint that is acceptable to everyone.

Hua Zong? Do you believe that organization any more? After the case of Letter Of Approval for Chinese Independent Middle School in Kuantan, how can anyone in his/her right mind still believe in that organization? It is crystal clear that Hua Zong is only sucking up to the government, because they are afraid of being labelled as anti-government. That school in Kuantan is just a shame, and Hua Zong is still standing by MCA to say it is not. Just how thick skinned can they be? And now they are calling people to follow their footsteps? To boycott 1125 rally? Is Hua Zong getting any real financial gain from the government in this? I wonder. Bizarrely, there are actually Chinese organizations had made public statements that they are not supporting the 1125 rally.

So, on the surface, Jiao Zong and Dong Zong are moving apart, the 2 once Siamese-twins like bodies are almost enemies now, or maybe already are behind the scene.

In the Chinese newspapers, Sin Chew Daily and her sisters are campaigning against 1125 rally. So despite the near desperate efforts of Dong Zong, there is very little voice in the media supporting this rally. So come this 25 Nov, who will answer the call of Dong Zong and show up in the rally? What kind of people? And worst of all, will it ever be reported if the rally got a huge turn out?

WARNING! CRUEL AND SCARY VIDEO. Below is a link to an experiment on how to boil a frog alive:
Just type "frog boil alive" in search bar in youtube, and you will get more videos like this. Scary.





在11月25日當天,甚麽人會去支持?抱著甚麽心態?會有多少人?星洲日報和同一集團的姊妹報一直在反1125大集會,那在當天如果有大批公衆參加, 星洲和姊妹報會怎樣報導?

Added on 2013-04-01:
I just checked my statisitics, and was surprised that it was viewed again a few days back. On 2012-Nov-25, it was a huge turned-up, lots of people showed up with entire family, like grand-parents, parents, children, even babies.

This shows we Malaysians know what we want, what we need, and we are not afraid to do what is perfectly our right to do, that is to express what we feel, what we want.


Sunday, November 11, 2012








Monday, November 5, 2012

Chloramphenicol in chicken, English dailies do not name the company.

Read it in newspapers today. On 1st of November, Sarawak state veterinary department banned the import of Ayamas products into Sarawak, including whole chickens, nuggets, chicken sausages,chicken meatball, and burger patties, because Ayamas products were found to contain Chloramphenicol. As of the news on 4th November, 2012, the Ayamas products are still available in supermakets in Kuching. And Health Minister Liow Chong Lai said his department is still awaiting the laboratory test report; but the allegedly contaminated batch of products had been taken off the shelves, as an act of precaution.

According to the newspapers, chloramphenicol is a kind of antibiotic, could cause vomitting, diarrhoea and headache.

Ayamas is a local food product company, a member of QSR Brands Bhd, alongside KFC Malaysia and Pizza Hut Malaysia. Ayamas mainly marketing chilled/frozen whole chicken and chicken parts, chicken based pre-processed foods.

The Chinese dailies reported the name of the company, Ayamas, but the English dailies chose to omit the name of the company in this case. This is the opposite of the usual practice of newspapers. Usually when it comes to something like a scandal or robbery kind of news, the Chinese dailies always omit the names of the company in their reports, and the English dailies always report the names of those companies in the papers.

But in the case of Ayamas products were found to contain chloramphenicol, English dailies chose to omit the name of the company, just mentioned chicken marketed by a certain company is alleged to contain chloramphenicol, reporting in a really ambigious, anyone could be or not be it kind of way. One has to wonder why? I have some speculations, but I have no way to find out more or verify anything, so all I can do is ask WHY?


金鳯凰 是QSR Bradns Bhd 旗下的一家子公司,業務主要是冷藏或冷凍全雞,冷藏或冷凍雞塊,和加工過的雞肉食品。




Sunday, November 4, 2012

He was the only one that took the fall for Sin Chew, why?

Just read online, in July this year, the senior writer of Sin Chew Daily, Mr Loh Cheng Boon, had resigned from Sin Chew, to take the responsible for the plagiarism scandal the newpaper is in.

Right after his resignation, more acts of plagiarism in Sin Chew Daily were exposed by the public online, and they happened after he had left. So what is going on here? If he was the only one who committed plagiarism, then the acts of plagiarism should have stopped with his resignation.  So Sin Chew Daily just put all the blame on Mr Loh, and hope the fact that Sin Chew is full of works of plagiarism will just go noticed? What a shame.

And strangely, how come none of his peers who graduated from Taiwan showed him any kind of support? And his former students? He was a teacher in a Chinese Independent Middle School in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. So much for Chinese kind of social etiquette.

The truth of Malaysian Chinese, the social etiquettes, social protocol of friendships, old acquaintances, are simply based on practicality, i.e. benefits. Mr. Loh is not the only one who committed plagiarism in Sin Chew, but only he resigned. Sin Chew is still publishing works of plagiarism.

And here are the links to critics about Sin Chew plagiarism


A shameless major newspaper. Only in Malaysia. It is time we let them know, all newspapers have to take their social responsibility seriously.







Thursday, November 1, 2012

Of Course Orang Asli Do Not Know Orang Penan

In her column in Oriental Daily(東方日報), Young Ai Ling(楊艾琳) wrote about her belated realisation that the Malaysians from Peninsula have next to zero knowledge about people in Sarawak. She was accompany a group of Sarawak natives, in a tour around Peninsular Malaysia, telling that facts that the Sarawak natives are suffering, while news reports had demonised them as hindrances to progress.

In her imagination, she actually thought that all the natives, all from Sarawak, Sabah, and Peninsula, actually know each others, and are old acquaintances, so the locals were supposed to meet the touring party with great enthusiasm, and chat like so.

As it turned out, in one of the stop of the tour that she is part of the team, the host of the stop actually got the names of the tribes from Sarawak mixed up, the host actually had no idea that the group is made up of Orang Penan. And that is when the reality hit her:
People who live in Peninsula actually have next to zero knowledge about people who live in Borneo Island. So Orang Asli in Peninsula actually have no idea who are the visitors from Sarawak, it was like Just-because they-are-Sarawak-natives-so-we-should-know-them? kind of situation.

This is not news to me, because Sarawak and Sabah are hardly mentioned in the national news. And the newspapers in Peninsula only report news in Peninsula, so to know anything about Sarawak and Sabah, one have to actually go to Sarawak and Sabah to read the local newspapers and talk to the locals. So it is only natural for the Peninsular Malaysians to actually have next to zero knowledge about East Malaysia, but always think they know everything. Now I know she really is a bona fide Peninsular Malaysian, as she is just like the Peninsular Malaysians I have met in Malaysia.

At least she really was trying to help the natives.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Only Oriental Daily mentioned it 東方日報才有提到

I came across a column in Oriental Daily(東方日報) by Young Ai Ling(楊艾琳 I use onamotopeia here, as I had no idea who she is, and her picture on her column shows the writer is a woman), in Oriental Daily. She wrote about one evening, sitting in the balcony of a long-house in Sarawak, and someone in the long house turned on a radio, the sound of sape came out, like a hornbill flying pass.

The radio is a you-do-not-see-them-in-electrical-appliance-anymore kind of shortwave radio, and a small one, but it is the hope of the natives: the hope of getting out of poverty, the hope of getting education, the hope of not being evicted from their land. Each evening from 6pm to 8pm, the natives received the news from outside through shortwave radio. In the neglected region of Malaysia where there is no electricity supply, telecommunication, and internet, all long-houses turn on their shortwave radio, tune in to the same shortwave frequency during this 2 hours.

She is referring to Radio Free Sarawak station. I do not know for sure if the station actually got a license to broadcast, or otherwise. But I am pretty sure Malaysian government does not like this station.

This station is in Bahasa Malaysia(Malaysian standardized version of Malay) and dialects of Sarawakian natives, broadcast only news, and talk-show, call-ins. And all of them mostly centred around the Murum dams, how the natives are dislocated from the very land they rely on for their livelihood, and the court-cases about the native land, all the kind of issues we do not see and hear on the news aired by Astro, RTM, TV3, NTV7, 8TV, TV9. Google "Radio Free Sarawak" and you will get the website for the online edition, podcasts available for download.

It is sad that theSarawakian natives have to fight so hard for their plights to be heard, even in the age of information super-highway. Only in Malaysia. Please show your support for them, anyway you can.

A hind-sight: It is while writing this post, that I realised that the columnist did not specifily mention she was in Sarawak, but only mentioned hornbill, sape, East Malaysia, Murum. So only Sarawakians can recognise what she was writing. From my experience of living in Malay Peninsula, I am certain almost all the Peninsular Malaysians do not get her points, as they actually have a hard time understanding which part of Malaysia she was referring to. Why did she write in such an obscure manner?

A side note:
Among all the Chinese dailies I can find in Klang Valley, only Oriental Daily has a column concerning natives of Sarawak. I suspect this is due to the following 3 reasons:
1. The daily is backed by a conglomorate from Sarawak, so somehow the daily gives Sarawak just that little bit more attention.

2. The backer of daily is at odds with the man controlling Sin Chew daily and her sister dailies.
(Don't just take my word for it, just dig a little into the past: back in 2003A.D., when Oriental Daily first launched in Klang Valley, Sin Chew daily and her sister dailies fought a dirty war with Oriental Daily. Read carefully here, not dirty campaign, but dirty war, as both camps used really low and dirty tactics in the war. The camp of Sin Chew actually banned newspaper-stand and newspaper peddlars from selling Oriental Daily, among other things, the most hilarious part was both camps accused each other of burning the opponent's newspaper. Yes, Sin Chew camp won, but not without injuring herself. I could never look at those editors the same way again.)

3. The daily has a very low market penetrate rate, it is free to pick up in Jaya Jusco(Oo, sorry, now the offical name is Aeon), and other places from Monday to Friday, though some newspaper-stands and 7-11 do carry this daily, 365 days a years, available for RM1.00 per copy; so it had to be different from Sin Chew and her sister dailies.

楊小姐在專欄中說到,在長屋中聴到原住民收聴電台。這電台指的是 Radio Free Sarawak(谷歌一下就看到了,可以下載),這是原住民自己辦的,有沒牌照我可不知道,原天傍晚6pm到8pm播出兩小時,內容是新聞,清談和叩應,語言用馬來西亞國語和砂朥越原住民的語言。

長屋中收聴電台用的是現今在電器店已經找不到的短波收音機。在砂朥越的內陸,還是有許多地方沒有電力廠的供電,沒電訊網絡,小小的一台短波收音機,帶給原住民的是希望:保障他們本身權益的希望。Free Sarawak的內容都是原住民設路障阻止興建沐若水壩,原住民習俗地的訴訟這些事件的最新消息,尤其是受到影響的原住民的悲情心聲,這些我們在Astro, RTM, TV3, NTV7, 8TV, TV9 的新聞中是看聴不到的。悲哀的是在網絡時代,砂朥越的原住民要這麽辛苦才能把本身的辛酸傳出去。


Monday, October 15, 2012

Big Corporations Are Always Arrogant In Malaysia, Because They Can

Found the above video on youtube recently, Singaporean television news reported that KFC had issued a public statement in respond to the 2 videos below.


According to the video footage from Singaporean television news, the 2 videos showing the gross side inside the KFC kitchen in Malaysia are old videos, but resurfaced, and KFC had made it public that the personnels invovled are sacked when the videos were known the first time, and KFC had installed cameras in all the kitchens since then.

Was there ever a public statement from KFC, or just on youtube, as video response to the 2 gross-side-inside-the-KFC-kitchen videos? Because I simply cannot recall ever read about the supposed public statement, much less seen it on television news, or paid advertisement. After googling, I got a zero result about the public statement in any news from Malaysia, only the videos from youtube. So even Singaporean television news had sort of beautified this episode in KFC Malaysia, while it did report that the power of  youtube is not to be ignored.

And looking at the video response from KFC, it just shows that KFC is being arrogant, nothing else. It is such a big corporation, it can afford to be arrogant, in Malaysia.

I am just happy that I had decided to give up deep-fried foods; except the oven-fried foods I made myself; but they cannot be called deep-fried, they are oven-fried.

A side note:
丹斯里郭鹤尧 Tan Sri Kuek Ho Yao passed away on 13 Oct, 2012, aged 96.
He was an important figure in Chinese independent secondary school circle in Johor, Malaysia, just google his name and you will get a lot of newspaper posting obituaries for him online, so I am not going to write an obituary here, just wanted to say his passing away is the end of an era.

Monday, October 1, 2012

How will Malaysians reponse to Balpreet Kaur?


The link above is about a young Sikh woman , Balpreet Kaur, in USA and how she responded to a photo of her, taken without her knowledge and posted online and people made fun of her appearance.  I came across news about this on Yahoo!, and it led me to this thread in Reddit.com.

This is not something that happened in Malaysia, but because the story all started with a photo of a young Sikh woman, and we have Sikhs in Malaysia too, so it made me wonder how it will turn out if we ever got a similar situation.

It the link above, Balpreet Kaur replied calmly to those who made fun of her. This is not shocking, as it shows she had a lot of inner strength to response to those people calmly, she replied wihtout fear. She actually stared down those cyberbullies without being angry.

After her reply, those who made fun of her actually read-up about Sikh, tried to understand what she had stated in her reply. Then they actually apologize, and said they all had learned something from her.

How will it turn out in Malaysia? We see people attack people on the ground of races, religions daily (the true motivation is political gain, so they can stay in power forever); those big guns from UMNO calling Malaysian Chinese, especially MCA to go back to Tang Shang (the old local name for China). In Penang, ever since 2008, when Lim took the office of Chief Minister of Penang, those people from UMNO have been throwing racial insults at him daily. Do we see anyone being charged under Sedition Act because of these? No.

And about Sikh in Malaysia, while I know there is such a group in Malaysia, I actually know very little about them, in the media, or daily life. Actually the only memory I have about them is the guards in front of banks or hotels, and that's way back in like 1970's. It is clearly they are ignored in the mainstream politics in Malaysia. So if someone from Chinese/Malay or other races, publicly made fun of a Sikh woman like this, would anyone actually care to read what she had to say? Actually, would we see any newspaper actually run a story that praise her for her eloquent, calm reply? I do not think so; it will more likely be met with more cyberbullies, and real world bullies, both in physcial from (if her location is known), and the public media. Any politician will come out to speak for her? No! Sikh votes are not sufficient to sway anything.

From the post in Reddit, to Balpreet Kaur's reply to it, and the responses followed, whatever we may think or say about those people in USA, they still have a lot of people with genuine empathy, ready to learn something new with open mind, exercise real social tolerance, and actually believe all human are created equal. From all the noises in newspaper, TV, radio, and internet, I do not see we have anything close in Malaysia. Cases in point:
1. http://www.20minutes.fr/web/1011113-femme-barbe-moquee-repond-reddit#xtor=RSS-145
(a French newspaper website posted her reply)
2. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/8539610/reddit-users-rebuked-by-sikh-woman
(Australia television news website posted her reply)
3. http://shine.yahoo.com/women-who-shine/sikh-woman-balpreet-kaur-turns-cyber-bullying-incident-203500244.html
(Yahoo!, the story that led me to the thread in Reddit.com)
I do not see her story in newspaper or TV or hear about it on Radio in Malaysia.

Her story makes me ashame to be a Malaysian.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Dong Zong and MCA and Nazri

Dong Zong and MCA and Nazri

On 26 Sept, 2012, the Minister in Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz actually received the memorandum on behalf of Najib from five representatives of Dong Zong, led by its chairman Yap Sin Tian and vice-chairman Chow Siew Hon, at Parliament, in front of the press.

What is going on here? In front of the media, while receiving the memorandum, Nazri actually said something that sounds like supporting the cause of the of Dong Zong. According to theSun Daily (Malaysia, thesundaliy.my), Nazri actually said, “It is not wrong … We should not have any narrow views about them.”

Shudders, the moment I read this, and more shudders after I gave it a lot of thoughts.

For years Dong Zong, along with the Chinese community in Peninsular Malaysia have been campaigning to have an Independent Chinese Secondary School in Kuantan. And this years, out of the blue, the government gave a letter of approval for an Independent Chinese Secondary School in Kuantan. Rejoice! This is a generous gift from BN government, all Chinese in Malaysia are eternally in debt to BN for it and should be grateful for the rest of the eternity. And remember to vote for MCA in the coming General Election, for this is the fruit of the hard labour of the brave, selfless, relentless MCA , especially the Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Kai Siong, through his position in the cabinet; and THIS can only be achieved if the BN is in power.

Really? Show us the letter of approval, we want to see the details and fine prints, as we have learned from years of broken promises and deceits, especially from MCA. Bizarrely this time around, only Yap Sin Tian and Chow Siew Hon showed the mistrust by keep asking for the publicize of the letter of approval, while the columnists and reporters in Chinese news media, and the other factions in Dong Zong and Chinese communities are singing the same tune as MCA, that the letter of approval really granted a new Independent Chinese Secondary School to Kuantan. The people from Kuantan even said it publicly that they had personally read the letter of approval, there is absolute no problem.

After a few weeks of quibbling on the media, and internet, suddenly all Chinese newspaper published this news:
The letter of approval was posted on a blog, and according to the scanned copy of the letter of approval on that blog, the school to be set up in Kuantan must be conducted in Bahasa Malaysia(the official language of Malaysia, the Malay standardized by Malaysian government).

MCA came out to say that the details of the letter of approval is irrelevant, it is an Independent Chinese Secondary School, as long as MCA say so.

Naturally more quibbling followed, and then some group tries to topple Yap and Chow from Dong Zong (which is still not settled yet on 29 Sept, 2012), and naturally even more quibbling followed, leading to the point of Dong Zong placing advertisement in Chinese newspapers, calling for a gathering on Sept 26, to force Datuk Dr Wee to resign and to save the Chinese schools, and it ended with the “event” mentioned at the beginning of this post.

According to theSun, in the memorandum, Dong Zong made 8 demands to the Prime Minister. And according to the Chinese newspapers, Dong Zong made 8 pleas to the Prime Minister. Anyway, they are just the same 8 issues the Chinese Malaysian have been campaigning for years to be resolved, and they are actually just touching on the same old issues Chinese have been campaigning, lots of other issues either written or unwritten in the advertisement in the Chinese newspaper are missing, especially the call to force Datuk Dr Wee to resign. Typically Chinese behaviour.

Nazri actually showed some kind of support for Dong Zong. This is scary. Over the years, especially during the reign of Dr M, whenever Chinese communities said anything about setting up more Chinese school, sufficient number of teachers for Chinese schools, and all the other long standing issues, UMNO will come out to scold them, intimidating them, with MCA tagging behind, intimidating the people they are supposed to be representing/protecting.

Now Nazri, an important figure in UMNO, actually showed support for Dong Zong? I know Malaysia is bound by law to held General Election before mid 2013, and the suspense of when the parliament is going to be resolved is killing the politicians, those in the government offices and the opposition alike. But Nazri? What are they going to do to Chinese Malaysian after the General Election? Kill all of them? In 2007/2008, just a few months befoe the election, during the General Meeting of UMNO, they actually lifted up keris, as a war-cry statement. Officially that was not a war-cry, but everyone who saw it on the news knew the true meaning of it. So Malaysian Chinese, especially those in Dong Zong, remember the keris, and have nightmares after Nazri received your memorandum, they are not going to forgive you for making Nazri making this kind of statement. As for MCA? They can just jump into South China Sea and swim their way back to China, as their master UMNO had been telling them to do all these years.

Nazri showed support for Dong Zong? Shudders.

Friday, September 21, 2012



  1. 砂朥越人和半島人同在台灣一家大學唸書;在宿舍內,半島人當砂朥越人的面對台灣人說:"砂朥越沒有戲院,沒有機場,人都是住在樹上的。"
  2. 砂朥越人在吉隆坡下機,談生意的對方派來接機的人說:“歡迎來到馬來西亞。”原來砂朥越不是馬來西亞的一部份喎。


  1. 滑蛋生麵:芡汁不夠熱,炸過的生麵吃到最後仍然是浸不軟,硬硬的。配料中蝦不見了,只剩下魚餅和豬肉。
  2. 招牌米粉:盡只是鹹。


  1. 今年8月的風采才提到去年10月的糖百府開張這種在時事雜誌圈中已經是太古時代的事,這雜誌是怎麽了?
  2. 而且今年8月的風采面市時,才有人把去年的有線電視的影頻貼上網;這是不是風采自己弄的?博宣傳?
  3. 去年10月蘇施黃來馬宣傳糖百府的時候有線電視已經播出了,有不少人看到,怎麽當時沒人駡?是不是反向操作?糖百府到了今年8月還是沒甚麽生意,所以趁蘇施黃的合約已經過期了,再來一次反向宣傳?所以那麽重視馬來西亞人的感受,登報公開道歉?同時和蘇施黃切斷關係?別忘記去年肯德基店員在店內打人的事,被打的顧客去報警後,警方竟然以當時打人的人手中沒有武器,所以不能起訴,就此結案。馬來西亞華人是有人駡,但肯德基從來沒有道歉或作任何公關動作,還不是生意滔滔?華人還有駡肯德基嗎?肯德基當華人是甚麽?大家心中有數。



Monday, September 10, 2012

She was handcuffed because it was a standard procedure

A teenage girl, who the government alleged was caught on tape while displaying indecent behavior to the picture of One Najib, on the eve of Merdeka Day.

She turned herself in to the police, and was handcuffed, and the news-photographers were informed to take the picture of her in handcuffs.

Now the question is, handcuffed? A lot of criminals are not handcuffed publicly. Yes, I mean criminals, like robbers, rapists, they are actually not handcuffed by police in the public, and the photos were all over newspapers.

And now a minister actually said the girl was handcuffed because that is the standard police procedure. Huh? Then why those criminals were shown publicly not handcuffed?

It's like the Chinese, the character GUAN(官) has two mouths in it. The government can always say whatever they want to say, have multiple standards over the same kind of matter, and the same law.

Just look at the recent events, so many people, who openly proclaimed themselves to the members or supporters of UMNO and BN, insulting the pictures of Lim Guan Eng, and others who are not part of BN, are they even rebuffed in the public? No, police never say or do anything to them. Now, that's double standard.

Handcuffed a teenage girl and showcased it to the public over what is nothing more than a trivia issue, only in Malaysia.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hong Kong students protest

The students and parents launched a series of protest against the brainwashing in school education system.

Okay, this is what is happening in Hong Kong. So why am I saying this here? This blog is about Malaysia only.

A. I actually see this being reported on tv news, maybe just a little bit about the hunger strike, but it was aired nevertheless.

B. The One Najib actually is not afraid of being compared to what is happening in Hong Kong? And not afraid it will inspire the locals? With all the tv campaign brainwashing Malaysia citizens that Bersih 3.0 is a crime? The protests in Hong Kong is like a mirror to us.

And there is something to learn here, a really good lesson about hand-shaking with the G-men, especially in the public, before the cameras:
The reigning governor visiting the students in hunger-strike, surrounded by cameras and news-people, naturally. He tried to shake-hand with one of the students, the students refused, and instead the student bowed and stepped backward.

An actor/director commented him for doing so, as this sends a clear message, that there was never any agreement between the two of them. This actor/director speaks from personal experience. He was rallying to protect Diaoyu Islands in Hong Kong in 1971, and a then high ranking police officer visited the protesters, out of politeness, the actor/director sheepishly shook-hand with that police officer, and later the photo was published with the caption "The two had reached an agreement". So hand-shaking can be a really scary thing.






附筆:剛在 MalaysianInsider.com 看到,勞勿的人反山埃的官司,勞勿人輸了。要看到孩子健康的活下去,勞勿人還要走很長的路才看得到。
It's always the darkest before the dawn.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

His bet paid off







現在方天興和馬華都在死命的轉口風,死命的扭曲事實,馬華竟然還有臉說批文是批準關丹華社建獨中。 葉新田和鄒壽漢已經是英雄了,你們馬華越是嘴硬,越是笑話,還是認了乾脆。

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What was that all about?

I read a column in the Sun(Malaysia) this week. And that columnist, while supposing to be writing a satirical column, took the matter to a bizarre level this week.

In his column this week, he wrote about how the Japanese are obsessed with the politeness that bowing is a reflex in their daily life. OK, I got that. But then he went on to say that so escalator rides are dangerous because of that, because accidents happened due to people bowing on moving escalators. Huh? Did we ever read/hear about any news like that? Get real.It is one thing to make fun of journalists from US who think that US is the center of everything and people just live their lives around every little thing that happens in US (he wrote about that in the last US president election year), but to exaggerate the local decorum of a foreign nation into something that is the main cause of accidents, is he a real journalist? Like people actually fell down escalator because of bowing? Did he even did any research? I googled and found no old news story like that, ever. He is working for a real newspaper (by Malaysian standard), certainly he can do a better research on the matter than me. So did he offer any case in point? No. The whole piece reads like he was just making fun of the decorum of a foreign nation that he most likely never visited, or even watched any nation tourism/image promotional tv programmes from that country. What is wrong with that man?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Smokey white day again!

It is white again. Looking out from where I live, the air is white. Yes, the air is white, smokey white. It had been like these for days. Actually since late June this year, we should consider ourselves lucky, at least this is not an all year round thing this year.

What am I going on about? The 'HAZE' in the air over Peninsular Malaysia. I have no idea what it is like in East Malaysia, as I do not get anything about that from the news. And we all know what we got from the news is really limited.

What is 'HAZE'? It is the smoke from the burning forest in Indonesia. Now even the Singaporean bureau of weather had limited public access to their website, to keep their satellite photos from being viewed by unwelcomed parties.

In the news, the thick, white smoke in the air is called 'HAZE', it is wrong to call it smoke, because according to who or what? it is not smoke.

And what a caring government and news media we have in Malaysia, on tv they are calling people to drink lots of water, reduce the outdoor activities, etc., etc..

We know, we have years of experience. We are not even allowed to call smoke for what it is 'SMOKE'. Only in Malaysia.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hallelujah! It happens to others too!

Remember what happened earlier this month? 2 robbery cases, victims from both cases were robbed and incapacitated, and people just passed by without attempting to help? Well, this is like a global phenomenon. I just read this from Yahoo! Taiwan that a woman was robbery before ATM, and lots of people just watched, no one tried to stop the robbery.

By the way, this happened on 19 July, 2012. Old news.

I know I know, this is old news from Taiwan, why am I even mentioning it?

My point is, this is human nature, it is universal, what a great news! Now the PR of our police can come out and speak loudly on TVs, radios, newspapers, and tell people, our crime rate is really low, just look at Taiwan, people are robbed under broad daylight in public downtown and no one helped. In Malaysia, we can exepct a lot of bystanders, gathering around to watch the whole incident. We are so much better than Taiwan.

Now, we can feel real safe in Malaysia. We should, because the police told us so.

Guess what? I watch over my back all the time. Only in Malaysia.







Sunday, July 29, 2012

Robbed twice in 7 hours

Yes, you are reading it right. A family in Kepong were robbed twice in 7 hours. I just saw this on the tv news. My search on youtube has nothing about this yet. Just like last week, Kepong residents came out to say that a lot of robberies had happened lately, and now this case in Kepong, again. What is the police going to say? Tell the public this is a false perception only? That the media is exaggerating? or even fabricating? I actually have a feeling that police is going to place a gag order on the media soon.

The government can keep on telling all the tourists, Malaysian citizens and residents that this is only a false perception, created by the media. But the victims of crimes know better.

Only in Malaysia.


Monday, July 23, 2012




一個月內有20 起搶刼案,警方會不會說那只是那主婦的個人印象?

Kepong area of Kuala Lumpur City is always known as the "BLACK ZONE" when it comes to crime rate. Last night, the residents of Kepong said it on 8pm TV news, that 20 robberies had happened in Kepong over the past one month period.

A local resident, a home-maker, said it on the news, that last week, while she and her daughter was at home, robbers tried to force their way into her house. She screamed, and neighbours screamed, her daughtered tried to call police on her mobile phone, at last the robbers ran off. She is really brave to come out to say this.

Three weeks ago, police just said that Malaysia is really safe, crime rate is dropping, it is all the false perception created by the media by focusing on reporting negatives matters, like crimes.

20 robberies in one month in the same area, what will the police say to that? Will the police say that it is all the home-maker's personal false perception?

NOTE TO SELF: After a spell of sickness, finally I am back.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

What will you do when you are the bystander?

2 days ago, in Air Itam, Penang, a Malaysian Chinese woman in her 60's, was robbed by a snatch-thief. Yesterday she passed away in the hospital, from the injuries she sustained from the robbery.

Last week, also in George Town, Penang, an artist/gallery-owner, was robbed in her gallery, the robbers cut her throat, but she was not killed.

What the 2 cases have in common? No people helped them.

In the case in Air Itam, newspapers ran the photos taken by the surveillance camera of the nearby motorcycle parking lot, which belongs to a flat. In the photos, the deceased was dragged by two snatch-thieves  on a motorcycle, and her head hit the ground. And according to the footage, she laid there for hours, and at least 6 people passed by without anyone trying to help.

It was an elder man who needed a cane to walk that saw her and called for help.

And in the case last week, the artist/gallery-owner was robbed, cut, bleeding, and with her gallery door wide open, the lights well-lit in the gallery, she was on the floor, leaning on the wall, near the door, which was clearly visible to anyone passing by, and there were also a few people passed by. They did not help. Finally a man passing by called for help.

This is the scary fact of Malaysian society. No, we have never heard of people are sued after they helped victims of road accidents like what happened in China. We just do not help.

It is easy for those who are reading this kind of news to say anything, make any comments they want. But what are you going to do when it is right in front of you? I mean when you are the by-standers or the people passing the crime scene; what are you going to do? Will you call an ambulance? call the police?

And about calling an ambulance, I got a personal little story here:
I was living at Kepong at the time, my septuagenarian mother fainted one night, I tried to call ambulance, no one picked up the phone at the Selayang Government Hospital, out of desperation, I tried to call UM hospital, and a woman picked up the phone, but told me since I live in Kepong, call Selayang hospital. I had no car, at the end I called a friend with a 4-wheel-drive to help send my mother to hospital.

This is something really happenning in Malaysia, not something that happened in China, like the toddler who got hit by a car and people just let her died.

Remember, talk is cheap.







Monday, June 25, 2012

Police told the crime victims to report the crime as accidents

Yesterday, a little piece in the newspaper caught my eye:
An elder man who live in Bentong, was beaten and robbbed right in his house. He went to file a police report, and the police there told him to report the case as an accident, stating that he was out, while riding motorcycle, fell off and lost his wallet. This is making false police report, which is a crime in itself under Malaysian laws.

As this victim of crime is a sane and sensible person, he did not do as he was told by the police. Instead he went to the village headman* for help.

*For those who are using British English, in Malaysia the title Mayor is only appropriate for the Mayor of a big city, like Kuala Lumpur, the idea of a village mayor is only right in UK, and maybe Canada, US, Australasia, but definitely not Malaysia; in the senses of the scale of the power invested in them, and the official functionalities, and the moral and knowledge standard those people have.

And the village headman actually told the victim to do as the police said. So instead the victim and his daughter went to a local MP for help. And they told the newspaper, and that's how this little piece of news was published in the newspaper.

And you think the police department is under a lot of pressure from newspaper? politicians? the public outcry? Zero. In fact, today, a similar news is published again. In this case, a group of residents of Port Klang came out, claiming that they have the same kind of experience, a lot of them who were beaten, robbed, when trying to file police reports, the police told them to report their cases as accidents, and they lost their money, wallets, belongings in the accidents. So the result is that they can tell the public that the crime rate is dropping in Port Klang.

Only in Malaysia, police can actually told the victims of crimes to make false police reports, and no one to question them, no member of the cabinet is held responsible.

Added on 13 Jul, 2012:
Actually, on 1st Feb, 2010, I posted my own experience of filing police report. The police man taking my statement actually asked me why I wanted to file police report.
My post on 1st Feb, 2010: Why do you want to make a police report?







Saturday, June 16, 2012

AUD2 for all day phone call and internet access in Australia

A relation of mine just sent me this sms, that in Australia, now it costs only AUD2 per day for whole day, unlimited phone calls to the entire Australia (which is a really wide coverage, like international call kind of long distance), and unlimited internet access. He watches movies on phone.

Can we even watch movies on phone? No, not movies, but just watch youtube? Dream on. Yes, I know there is 4G in the market now, but how many subscribers can actually watch movies on phone? If you do, please tell me. Today is 16 June, 2012. We are living in 21st century.

I have to admit, I am jealous. To live in such a backwater nation, that 4G is not enough to watch movies on phone, how can we expect to be the developed nation by 2020? Remeber, South Korea has just been listed as developed nation by the UN earlier this year.

Cannot watch movies on a 4G phone, only in Malaysia.


在馬來西亞能嗎?別說電影了,看優酷?發夢了。在馬來西亞是有4G 在賣了,可是能看電影嗎?有人真的用手機上網看電影的,請告訴我。今天是2012年06月16日,我們活在廿一世紀了。



Monday, June 11, 2012

They are from Fantasy-Land, right?

I got a copy of that advertisements funded, freely distributed Chinese weekly tabloid, the name of it is a kind of fruit that is eaten as vegetable, you guessed it.

There is this piece about security in shopping mall, as last week, 2 separate cases of single women being attacked in the carpark of shopping mall happened, so a few Chinese dailies are running stories on the safety of women in the public. This tabloid just just follow the trend.

Just where is the author of this piece from? Fantasy-Land? In this piece, he (the non de plume suggests it is a he) advises women not to dress provocatively, as this attract the attention of the would be attackers. Huh? Women are attacked because of what they wear? Get a reality check! Since when do you see those women who were mobbed, robbed, raped dressed in sexy, provocative attires? And their ages? Even grandmas got raped! Where do you see a grandma dress sexily in Malaysia?

And this man actually list this as number 1 in his advice. It is like saying those victims deserve it because they dressed provocatively. Those women did not dress provocatively when crimes happened to them.

And there is no editor in the tabloid? The editor lets this piece run. Just what is wrong with those people? Every time when the victims of crimes are women, there are always men telling women not to dress provocatively.  Criminals pick their targets based on whatever factors, one of it is the weaklings, and women are always supposed to be weak, so they are more likely to be the targets.

We should compile a list of what victims were wearing when crimes happened to them. But even after we have proof that it had nothing to do with what women were wearing, will those men who live in Fantasy-Land come up with a new excuse to put the blame on women?

This is Malaysia.










Friday, June 8, 2012

A political contract limiting the number of schools

A few days ago, Muhyuddin, the vice prime minister of Malaysia, said that due to the law and the contract the Malaysian Chinese had entered with the government of Malaysia, his hands are tied to give permission for a new Chinese Independent secondary school to be set up in Kuantan.

The law? Which law? and the contract? Who, when, where, why, how did the contract was bargained, and signed? He offerred no answer.

And the chairman of MCA first said this, and then that, but never actually say anything about the existence of such a contract, is it true? And well, according to the Unions of The School Board of Chinese Independent School, they have proof that MCA actually entered this contract with government.

Only in Malaysia, the politicians actually gave consent to the government to limit the freedom and right of the people.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Yesterday was June 4 寫在6/4廿三週年之後

Yesterday is 4th of June, 2012, the 23rd anniversay of 6/4 Tiananmen Square. It was strangely quiet on the news and the web. I had to search for the news about the memorial activities. And equally natural and normal, there is very little activities in Taiwan, The Republic of China. Just the usual annual speech on 6/4 from the president, and even that got very little news coverage in Taiwan. I actually had to dig on the web to see a little piece mentioning the speech, and no full text available. Looks like the memory of it is fading away, it is only still fresh in the memory of the parents of those who were killed on 4th June, 1989, at Tiananmen Square.

And of course, there is no news report about any memorial activities in Malaysia. Especially since Bersih 3.0 428, think the government is going remind itself of what people could do? And not to mention Malaysia is not going to ruin her diplomatic relationship with China.

The 23rd anniversay of Tiananmen Square reminds me of the other massacres, that happened in Malaysia during the WWII, and the massacres committed by Colonial British after WWII. The descendants, and survivors of the massacres committed finally take the UK crown to court in UK this year. But very little news coverage. And no follow-up coverage, naturally.

This is Malaysia, our journalism is still far behind what the journalists in countries like US, UK, Germany considered to be the norm, that is the newspapers, TV will actually send journalists to do follow-up reports on major issues, or investigate the organized criminal activites, case in point: BBC website posted a series by a journalist from Eastern Europe, who went undercover to investigate the organized criminal activites in human-trafficiking and arrangement of illegal workers from Eastern Europe to UK. While the government admitted human-trafficking is happeneing in Malaysia, we do not see any indepth report about that, much less undercover investigation.






Thursday, May 17, 2012

Still people detained under ISA in Kamunting 內安法令還是能用的

Think ISA is officially repelled in Malaysia? Think again! Last night's evening news, a group of people showing their support for the people detained in Camp Kamunting, who are protesting in the form of hunger strike.

The ISA had just been replaced by the new set of laws earlier this year, right? Well, that did not stop the power to be to continue detaining people under that law. Now detaining people with the law that had been officially repelled, only in Malaysia.



Saturday, May 12, 2012

律師公會對428的說法The Bar Council's POV ON 4/28


* 本來是想用繩之以法的,要打字時才想到好久沒用,也好久沒見到這成語了;就不用了。




Last night, the 8 o;clock news, the Bar Council held an Emergency General Meeting, to discuss the issues about 4/28, Bersih 3.0. The meeting was a closed door meeting.

I was surprised by the tough stance the Bar Council hold this time. According to Bar Council, at the press conference after the meeting, on 4/28, the public was already dispersing sometime after 3pm, but they were actually surrounded by the police and had difficulty disperse away from their gathering points. And it was police, when totally unprovoked, started to fire tear gas, and then using the water cannons.

And on the newspaper, while reading about the Bar Council meeting, I first came across that on 4/28, the wi-fi and phone signals were interrupted. To say this has nothing to do with the government, hard to believe.

For the coming election, we the people of Malaysia, can only pray for our own safety. The One Najib is going to do whatever it takes to stay in power.

I want to say this is only in Malaysia, but looking at the news from other country, Malaysia must be listed as one of those countries ruled by dictators or/and living under draconian.

Please say a prayer for Bersih, for clean and fair election, we need it to stay sane, and to stay alive. Forget about speech freedom, being alive and sane definitely take priority.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Must be lots of sensors.

A Malaysian Indian, male, was charged by poilce for posting on his facebook wall a statement to kill all the police in Malaysia. Did not see his facebook. According to the news, he made it on 28th or 29th of April. And on 5th May, he was officially charged. Police knew his facebook posting almost immediately after he posted it. It is facebook, billions of users, and Malaysia police is so efficient in picking the right one out of them. The only answer is despite what the government is saying, that Malaysia does not censor internet, in fact a lot of manpower and computer power are being used to monitor the internet. There is no other explaination. And the quick action to book the man is to act as a warning to the entire population.

電視新聞報導,有名印度裔的馬來西亞男子在其本身的 facebook 上貼文說要殺死所有的馬來西亞警察。沒上網去看,反正在新聞報出的時候,那帳號已經被封閉了。我這種看新聞才知道的人當然是找不到的了。





Friday, May 4, 2012

Aftermath of 28th April

It is almost a week since Bersih 3.0, on 28th April, and we still see and hear news about it on the media. And it is clear they the government is working real hard to scare those who support Bersih 3.0. Case in point:
Just reading The Sun Daily, 4th May 2012 edition, and the headline is Higher Education Ministry to help police in hunt.

Hunt what? The university students who attended the rally.

Huh? Malaysian government really is taking this seriously, those students will be hunted down like ... like they committed what? murder? high treason? 2 government departments are joining forces in the hunt, such a big effort, and where are they when people complain they have to barricade their neighbourhood, with their own money because the crime rate is high, real high?

Now back to the hunt for those students, according to the official stance, they had committed offences against Malaysian laws. We have UUCA Universities and University Colleges Act, and good students should be law abiding citizens too. But why just voicing their opinion is against the law? Because they are universitiy students, and they are governed by UUCA, because this is Malaysia, this is the Malaysian way.

Only in Malaysia.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Visit his website about those REFER SPAM, he got a long list.

Really a lot of bloggers got the same problem, I found this blogger listed out the rouge sites he knows:

Really thank you, Ashish Paliwal.

3rd May, 2012, Thursday, I just learned another thing today:
Place the cursor on the URL in the blogspot.com blog editor, then a dialog will show up for users to change the settings, and click on change, and then add nofollow, will make sure the link is disactivated.

Updated on Wed, 09th May, 2012 真的有不少部落客有同樣的問題,就是有REFER SPAM。我沒有辦法應付,只好把這些有問題的來源網址列下來。

Looks like listing out the dubious referral websites works. I am not getting hits from what obviously are the sources of referral spam websites this week.(12 June, 2012)

25 June, 2012, strangely, I still got referral spam from kallery.net. Those Koreans really think they are so famous and so popular internationally, they can just keep on bombarding others with anything Korean. Count me out. But this one is not going away, it just keep on hitting my blog.

23 July, 2012, checked traffic sources again two days ago, and found this new entry:
no idea what it is all about.

31 July, 2012:
Got 2 unknown traffic sources,
must be some new refer spam sources. Don't be fooled by the devscripts.net, the name looks like some kind of open source site, but it is not. And think about it, who uses open source site as search engine? No! Open source sites are like forums, for people to discuss what they are developing.

27 Aug, 2012:
A new, and weird source of refer spam:

10 Sept, 2012:
Another new, weird source of refer spam, from India?

11 Nov, 2012:
Why didn't I see this site before?

According to this site, the bloggers can set-up filters for their blogs. I haven't tried those steps yet, so I have no idea if those steps still works.

16 Nov, 2012:
I was hit by kallery.net again! The Koreans just never give up! I mean no matter how I write/spin it, this is just ridiculous. I got over 190 views just for this one post, certainly those Koreans can see that I had the source of refer spam on the list, and they just do not stop hitting my blog. Irk!
那些韓國人又來了。真的是~我真的想不出有甚麽不駡噁心話的說法。我這一頁文章已有超過190次瀏覽了,韓國人怎麽說也都該知道 kallery.net 已經被列出來了。還來?噁!

27 Nov, 2012:
I just checked my stats again, the spam source from Russia had stopped, I no longer getting any hit from Russians, so at least this post is telling them to stay away. But the Koreans?

3 Dec, 2012:
I just checked the traffic source of the hits my blog got. This past 7 days I got a hit from Kenya. Huh?
Anyway, here is a thought:
Everyone who is not happy that his/her blog is getting refer spam, copy my action on this post, or copy my post. After all, I first got this idea from what I had put at the beginning of this post, and copied this Indian's action.

5 Feb, 2013:
O my ... whatever, those Koreans just love SPAM. Kallery.net hit here 3 times in the past week, they actually think this is going to attract viewers to Kallery.net? Koreans, get a grip of reality, I do not want you. And what is that Lepak.my? That does SPAM too? Now I know, Malaysia has referral spammers too.

6 April, 2013:
Just checked the stats again. Koreans are really pesky, kallery.net just will not stop refer spam.
I got two new refer spam sites:
Why lahatdau.blogspot.com? My blog did not mention anything about Sabah being invaded.

15 May, 2013:
OK, this is definitely a new source of REFER SPAM. current.com, it disguise itself as somekind of forum for current affairs discussions, but actually is somekind of paid promotion site.

21 May, 2013:
This NSFW site, that disguises itself with this innocent sounding url:
is a referral spam site, and worse, it installs pesky tracking cookies, and capture your IP address the moment you are linked to the site. So it displays ADULT ONLY KIND OF ADS near and around your location.
FYI: NSFW is acronym for Not Suitable For Work, another way of saying this is a porn site.

I keep a list of weird behaviour websites that hit my blog:
bit.ly/Hcz4XS(This is a furniture ads)
bit.ly/HJIdm6(This is a printer ads)
bit.ly/HRLYH6(This is a movies site)
fishing-stores-blog.info(fishing gears ads?)
ideathathits.com(another ads)
kallery.net(an ads from Korea, somekind of art retailer, gallery)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Will The One Najib try to stop Bersih again?

Okay, if anyone is reading this, I am ready for the brickbats.

3.13pm Saturday, 28th April, 2012.
I did not go to Bersih. Instead I just read about it on internet, in fact right now I am watching the videos posted on youtube, and the postings on Malaysiakini, and Malaysiainsider.

At the time I am typing this, no video posted on vimeo yet.

As everyone who pays attention to Bersih 3.0 already knew, starting around 6pm last night, people who wanted to participate in Bersih already converged around the 6 converging points, as we all anticipated the roads leading into Kuala Lumpur city centre will be blocked. And sure it was, starting from 6am today, 58 roads are blocked. As of the time I am typing this, I have no idea if the road blocks were cleared.

As I am not on the spot, so I am repeating what is already reported on Malaysiakini.
At 2.34pm, at Masjid Jamek, Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan says the rally has been a success and urged the crowd to disperse, but the crowd keep on chanting "Dataran! Dataran!"

And the photos posted by the citizens, this is definitely a new chapter in journalism in Malaysia, as fellow Malaysian citizens posting their photos of news events online, we get to see the photos from all sort of angles, not those filtered by the editors and news agencies, it certainly makes it hard for the power to be to tell lies.

Kudos Bersih 3.0. Maybe we cannot stop the election fraud in the impending election, but we certainly will not be deceited and remain quiet.

Bersih 3.0 is not in Malaysia only, a lot of Malaysian citizens who works abroad are also attending the Bersih 3.0 rallies in other countries, in support of Bersih 3.0 at home. The road ahead is long, but we will keep going.

Update, added on 3.50pm Saturday, 28th April, 2012:
Just scrolled through the photos on Malaysiakini website.
And in this photo, who are those men in red long-sleeved t-shirts?

Just read this on bbc.co.uk

3.50pm, pockets of demonstrators are being chased by police near Sogo Shopping Mall.
4:10pm - Jalan TAR - A group of protesters sit along the closed Jalan TAR road. An ice-cream seller is doing a roaring business as protesters seek to quench their thirst.  FRU fire chemical-laced water at them in front of Kamdar department store along Jalan TAR.
So far 35 individuals had been arrested.

This is fun, it is clearly The One Najib is truly afraid. And this is the first time I am following a live report of a rally online.

Update, at 4.37pm.
From Malaysiakini,
at 4.27pm, near Maybank building, protesters are hauling empty water bottles at the trucks of police.

Scrolling through the photos of the event online, I saw the photo of KLCC, one of the 6 converging points, and I do not see any mention of what is happening at the place right now, as in nothing? Because a lot of luxurious goods outlets are there?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Merdeka Square To be Closed for 48 hours

We are really living in a bygone era here in Malaysia. DBKL just announced yesterday, that starting from 6pm today, Merdeka Square will be closed for 48 hours, until 6pm Sunday.

I know this is old news already, but I just read the news just now, so I live in really snail paced kind of life style.

But back to the 48 hours close off. What was DBKL thinking? A lot of those people in the government actually have children who graduated from universities in USA. Certainly they had heard about the Civil Rights Movement in USA? Back then they parks were closed. And see the USA today? You cannot segregate people any more. If is a proven failed tactic. I actually DBKL would serve up something more creative. So disappointed.

Anyway, to those of you who are going to gather at 1 of the 6 points in Kuala Lumpur, remember to pack a lot of water, raincoat, motorcycle helmet, and of course, mobile phones with camera, video camera, and wi-fi capabilities. Wait, will the wi-fi be cut-off on 28 April? And phone services? Perpare to run, wear cross-trainers.





Wednesday, April 25, 2012

還是 Bersih。 We Need Bersih.

Bersih 3.0 theme song, Tears of Malaysia

I actually wanted to take a break from internet for a few weeks, to concentrate on reading manga. But after reading today's newspaper, just have to post this.

In Johor, a high ranking officer working at the Ministry of Education has been demoted to a high school. And all the Chinese in Malaysia just believe this is a warning to the people who speak against the shortage of qualified teachers in Chinese primary school. And of course this notion is officially rebuked.

We really need Bersih.

淚光是 Bersih 3.0 的主題曲。




現在我真的全心支持 Bersih 了。連 Bersih 也被壓下去的話,還有救嗎?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The heat for Bersih 3.0 is on

Even an amateur hermit like me can feel that the heat for Bersih 3.0 April 28 is getting hotter by the day. Not just the Kuala Lumpur mayor calls for the movement to move the venue to Bukit Jalil or Merdeka Stadium, but also a lot of talks on the web. Even my drown in the sea kind of blog got some hits to entries about ISA and Bersih.

Now, should we prepare for the water canon on this coming Saturday? I strongly suggest to those who are going to attend, wear motorcycle helmet, have a raincoat ready, and bring a few bottles of water, should be like 4~5 litres, and of course your phones that have cameras, with mobile upload capability. I mean, I actually expect water canon on the day. Anyone else has the money on water canon?

Yeah! Government is saying there is a Peaceful Assembly Act, and it should be respected. We should see on the day.

4月28日 Bersih 3.0 快到了。我這阿宅也感到氣氛開始熱起來了。吉隆坡市長叫 Bersih 去體育館,網上的討論也多了。連我這淹沒在網絡中的部落格中有提到內安法令的和 Bersih 的貼文也受關注了。

這星期 六會不會有水炮?星期天要去獨立廣場的人,當天該戴安全帽,帶雨衣,再加上好幾瓶水,起碼要4~5公升,當然也要有拍照,上網功能的手機。我是預定了當天會有水炮的。有誰也這麽說的?

沒錯 ,政府說要遵敬和平集會法令的。到時方知。

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Royal Concert on 21st April, 2012; what will be on 28th?

On Saturday, 21st Apr, 2012, the Royal Concert was held at Dataran Merdeka, in honour of the inauguration of the new King. And those campers at the square moved out, to make way for the concert.

What I see is that Kuala Lumpur City Hall and Selangor Club are getting more creative in their effort of keeping the undesired activities off the grass of the square. So, what new scheme will the 2 serve up to stop the Bersih on Saturday, 28th Apr, 2012? Nothing on the news yet. Googled and found nothing too. What will it be? The suspense is really killing me.

And strangely enough, just talks of seeking approval from the Kuala Lumpur City Hall for the use of the square; like those campers said they already got the approval from it. But what about Selangor Club? The square is no longer the property of Selangor Club? Since when?

Thursday, April 19, 2012


On Thursday 19th April, 2012, a rainy day for Kepong. And guess what? Kepong is flooded. Yes, one fine rainy day and Kepong is flooded. It's not even a record setting kind of rain.

Saw it on the evening news, then checked online, and what I gathered is that at 2.30am Thursday 19th April, 2012, the campers (who claimed to be university students), at Dataran Merdeka (Independence Square), were attacked by a group dressed in black t-shirts. And strangely enough, the police at the scene did not do anything to stop the what-kind-of-people-in-black while the attack happened. Certainly a public punch-up in Malaysia is illegal, right? Like can be prosecuted in court. And all the parties say they have no idea who those people in black are. Lightning fast response to make sure they are not linked to the attack.
The size of the thugs various, depending which source you believe in, some say, 40, some say 60, some even put it to 60~70, so it is a range of 40~70. Anyway, check out the videos at vimeo.com, and you can understand why it is hard to get an exact figure.

I found a video of the aftermath on youtube:

And 2 videos on vimeo.com:

And something is fishy about those campers. They have been there for days, and how come we did not see anything like the riot police come to water canon them, or Selangor Club block the Dataran Merdeka? After all, the square is the property of Selangor Club.

Only in Malaysia.


黑衣人的人數難以確定,有的報導是40人,也有說60,70的。人數就從40至70人。反正難以確定就是了。看在 vimeo.com 的視頻就會相信的了。

在 youtube  有之後的視頻:
在 vimeo.com:

