Thursday, November 29, 2012

Live Coverage of UMNO General Meeting On TV

29 Nov, 2012, Thursday.

In Malaysia, the current government is formed by a coalition of parties called Barisan Nasional, BN for short. In BN, the single biggest party is UMNO. The current prime minister of Malaysia is a member of UMNO, and more than half of his cabinet is made up of UMNO members.

Today is the 4th day of the annual general meeting of UMNO. The prime minister of Malaysia, who also is the party chairman, the one and only Najib, is addresing the party today. So RTM1, TV3, NTV7, 8TV, TV9, all 5 free to air tv channels are broadcasting the live coverage of the one and only Najib making his speech in the UMNO general meeting.

Malaysian parliament sessions are not broadcasted live, except for the budget report, and this only happened since the past few years. Many people from many sectors have been calling for live coverage of parliament sessions for years, but no television channel ever showed any interest in broadcasting parliament sessions, and the government is not giving green light.

In fact, other than sponsored major sport events, like Olympic games, or Datuk Lee Chung Wei is fighting for a gold medal, or his wedding, or national day parade and the likes, Malaysians see very little live coverage of any activities of any kind at all, so why the live coverage of a general meeting of a party? Yes, the chairman is making his speech today. But it is still a general meeting of a political party, how is that more important than parliament sessions?

This is the underlying message of the live broadcast:
the One Najib is the most important person in Malaysia, UMNO is the one party that controls the nation, so the speech by the One Najib in general meeting of his party is the most important event of the year, all Malaysians should tune in to understand and remember this. And remember to stay loyal to him, vote for him in the coming general election, GE13. Stray away from him, and suffer the consequences.

The One Najib is still delivering his speech as I am typing this. Looking at the screen, a book and 2 movies came to my mind:
1984(a book),
“V for Vendetta”, “Wag The Dog” (2 movies).

If you do not understand why they came to my mind, google for the summaries of them. Or actually go read the book “1984”.

General meeting of the ruling political party is more important than parliament sessions, scary. Only in Malaysia.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Both happened on 25th Nov, 2012

According to tv news, at the 1125 rally, the organizer, that is Dong Zong claimed 20,000 people had turned out, and media estimated it at 6,000. A huge gap in the 2 figures. Of course both sides have reasons to inflate, down-play the figures.

Dong Zong needs to exaggerate the turn-out figure to show they have the support of the people, and  the media needs to down-play the figure so as not to offend the One Najib.

But looking at the news footage of 1125, I believe the number of people who turned out is far higher than 6000.

I did not see any report about 1125 rally or Anti-Lynas March on the TV3 00:00 26th Nov, 2012 English news, it was just full of the elections talks from One Najib, and the vice-prime-minister/education-minister trashing Dong Zong.

What figure will the Chinese dailies report on Monday?

Green March reached Merdeka Square on 25th Nov, 2012, and the police say the marchers had broken the law. What is that? The only thing marchers did is walk, they walked from Kuantan to Merdeka Square, they did not commit any act of violence, did not damage any property, either public or private, did not vandalize anything, did not shout any kind of insults to any one, be it personal, racial, religious, or nationality. And the police say they had broken the law? Is it because the One Najib is afraid of them? But the Malaysian court had cleared the way for Lynas to start operation, and the raw rare-earth ore had arrived a few days ago in the wee hours. So Malaysia is going to have Lynas after all.





A Buddhism celebrity visits Malaysia

A Buddhism celebrity from Taiwan just visited Malaysia, and made a public preaching appearance on 25th Nov, 2012. Before the event, he met the One Najib, as a courtesy call and gave him a scroll of Chinese calligraphy, which is by the celebrity himself.

This celebrity had decided not to travel far a number of years ago, because of his failing health. Now that the GE13 is inevitably around the corner, he came here and met the One Najib? However the story is spinned, it just reads like a show, for the political gain.




Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov 25, 1125, who will answer the call of Dong Zong?

In a press conference on 20 Nov, 2012, Dong Zong claimed that 540 Chinese organizations will attend the 1125 (25 Nov, 2012) rally, to tell the government they are not happy with the new Education Blueprint.

At the other side, Jiao Zong had made it clear that this organization, along with Hua Zong, and lots of other Chinese organizations will not attend the rally. Actually they call for Malaysian Chinese community not to attend the rally or show any support for Dong Zong, because Jiao Zong and Hua Zong are working real hard with MCA and government to have a new Education Blueprint that is acceptable to everyone.

Hua Zong? Do you believe that organization any more? After the case of Letter Of Approval for Chinese Independent Middle School in Kuantan, how can anyone in his/her right mind still believe in that organization? It is crystal clear that Hua Zong is only sucking up to the government, because they are afraid of being labelled as anti-government. That school in Kuantan is just a shame, and Hua Zong is still standing by MCA to say it is not. Just how thick skinned can they be? And now they are calling people to follow their footsteps? To boycott 1125 rally? Is Hua Zong getting any real financial gain from the government in this? I wonder. Bizarrely, there are actually Chinese organizations had made public statements that they are not supporting the 1125 rally.

So, on the surface, Jiao Zong and Dong Zong are moving apart, the 2 once Siamese-twins like bodies are almost enemies now, or maybe already are behind the scene.

In the Chinese newspapers, Sin Chew Daily and her sisters are campaigning against 1125 rally. So despite the near desperate efforts of Dong Zong, there is very little voice in the media supporting this rally. So come this 25 Nov, who will answer the call of Dong Zong and show up in the rally? What kind of people? And worst of all, will it ever be reported if the rally got a huge turn out?

WARNING! CRUEL AND SCARY VIDEO. Below is a link to an experiment on how to boil a frog alive:
Just type "frog boil alive" in search bar in youtube, and you will get more videos like this. Scary.





在11月25日當天,甚麽人會去支持?抱著甚麽心態?會有多少人?星洲日報和同一集團的姊妹報一直在反1125大集會,那在當天如果有大批公衆參加, 星洲和姊妹報會怎樣報導?

Added on 2013-04-01:
I just checked my statisitics, and was surprised that it was viewed again a few days back. On 2012-Nov-25, it was a huge turned-up, lots of people showed up with entire family, like grand-parents, parents, children, even babies.

This shows we Malaysians know what we want, what we need, and we are not afraid to do what is perfectly our right to do, that is to express what we feel, what we want.


Sunday, November 11, 2012








Monday, November 5, 2012

Chloramphenicol in chicken, English dailies do not name the company.

Read it in newspapers today. On 1st of November, Sarawak state veterinary department banned the import of Ayamas products into Sarawak, including whole chickens, nuggets, chicken sausages,chicken meatball, and burger patties, because Ayamas products were found to contain Chloramphenicol. As of the news on 4th November, 2012, the Ayamas products are still available in supermakets in Kuching. And Health Minister Liow Chong Lai said his department is still awaiting the laboratory test report; but the allegedly contaminated batch of products had been taken off the shelves, as an act of precaution.

According to the newspapers, chloramphenicol is a kind of antibiotic, could cause vomitting, diarrhoea and headache.

Ayamas is a local food product company, a member of QSR Brands Bhd, alongside KFC Malaysia and Pizza Hut Malaysia. Ayamas mainly marketing chilled/frozen whole chicken and chicken parts, chicken based pre-processed foods.

The Chinese dailies reported the name of the company, Ayamas, but the English dailies chose to omit the name of the company in this case. This is the opposite of the usual practice of newspapers. Usually when it comes to something like a scandal or robbery kind of news, the Chinese dailies always omit the names of the company in their reports, and the English dailies always report the names of those companies in the papers.

But in the case of Ayamas products were found to contain chloramphenicol, English dailies chose to omit the name of the company, just mentioned chicken marketed by a certain company is alleged to contain chloramphenicol, reporting in a really ambigious, anyone could be or not be it kind of way. One has to wonder why? I have some speculations, but I have no way to find out more or verify anything, so all I can do is ask WHY?


金鳯凰 是QSR Bradns Bhd 旗下的一家子公司,業務主要是冷藏或冷凍全雞,冷藏或冷凍雞塊,和加工過的雞肉食品。




Sunday, November 4, 2012

He was the only one that took the fall for Sin Chew, why?

Just read online, in July this year, the senior writer of Sin Chew Daily, Mr Loh Cheng Boon, had resigned from Sin Chew, to take the responsible for the plagiarism scandal the newpaper is in.

Right after his resignation, more acts of plagiarism in Sin Chew Daily were exposed by the public online, and they happened after he had left. So what is going on here? If he was the only one who committed plagiarism, then the acts of plagiarism should have stopped with his resignation.  So Sin Chew Daily just put all the blame on Mr Loh, and hope the fact that Sin Chew is full of works of plagiarism will just go noticed? What a shame.

And strangely, how come none of his peers who graduated from Taiwan showed him any kind of support? And his former students? He was a teacher in a Chinese Independent Middle School in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. So much for Chinese kind of social etiquette.

The truth of Malaysian Chinese, the social etiquettes, social protocol of friendships, old acquaintances, are simply based on practicality, i.e. benefits. Mr. Loh is not the only one who committed plagiarism in Sin Chew, but only he resigned. Sin Chew is still publishing works of plagiarism.

And here are the links to critics about Sin Chew plagiarism

A shameless major newspaper. Only in Malaysia. It is time we let them know, all newspapers have to take their social responsibility seriously.






Thursday, November 1, 2012

Of Course Orang Asli Do Not Know Orang Penan

In her column in Oriental Daily(東方日報), Young Ai Ling(楊艾琳) wrote about her belated realisation that the Malaysians from Peninsula have next to zero knowledge about people in Sarawak. She was accompany a group of Sarawak natives, in a tour around Peninsular Malaysia, telling that facts that the Sarawak natives are suffering, while news reports had demonised them as hindrances to progress.

In her imagination, she actually thought that all the natives, all from Sarawak, Sabah, and Peninsula, actually know each others, and are old acquaintances, so the locals were supposed to meet the touring party with great enthusiasm, and chat like so.

As it turned out, in one of the stop of the tour that she is part of the team, the host of the stop actually got the names of the tribes from Sarawak mixed up, the host actually had no idea that the group is made up of Orang Penan. And that is when the reality hit her:
People who live in Peninsula actually have next to zero knowledge about people who live in Borneo Island. So Orang Asli in Peninsula actually have no idea who are the visitors from Sarawak, it was like Just-because they-are-Sarawak-natives-so-we-should-know-them? kind of situation.

This is not news to me, because Sarawak and Sabah are hardly mentioned in the national news. And the newspapers in Peninsula only report news in Peninsula, so to know anything about Sarawak and Sabah, one have to actually go to Sarawak and Sabah to read the local newspapers and talk to the locals. So it is only natural for the Peninsular Malaysians to actually have next to zero knowledge about East Malaysia, but always think they know everything. Now I know she really is a bona fide Peninsular Malaysian, as she is just like the Peninsular Malaysians I have met in Malaysia.

At least she really was trying to help the natives.
