Sunday, April 29, 2012

Visit his website about those REFER SPAM, he got a long list.

Really a lot of bloggers got the same problem, I found this blogger listed out the rouge sites he knows:

Really thank you, Ashish Paliwal.

3rd May, 2012, Thursday, I just learned another thing today:
Place the cursor on the URL in the blog editor, then a dialog will show up for users to change the settings, and click on change, and then add nofollow, will make sure the link is disactivated.

Updated on Wed, 09th May, 2012 真的有不少部落客有同樣的問題,就是有REFER SPAM。我沒有辦法應付,只好把這些有問題的來源網址列下來。

Looks like listing out the dubious referral websites works. I am not getting hits from what obviously are the sources of referral spam websites this week.(12 June, 2012)

25 June, 2012, strangely, I still got referral spam from Those Koreans really think they are so famous and so popular internationally, they can just keep on bombarding others with anything Korean. Count me out. But this one is not going away, it just keep on hitting my blog.

23 July, 2012, checked traffic sources again two days ago, and found this new entry:
no idea what it is all about.

31 July, 2012:
Got 2 unknown traffic sources,
must be some new refer spam sources. Don't be fooled by the, the name looks like some kind of open source site, but it is not. And think about it, who uses open source site as search engine? No! Open source sites are like forums, for people to discuss what they are developing.

27 Aug, 2012:
A new, and weird source of refer spam:

10 Sept, 2012:
Another new, weird source of refer spam, from India?

11 Nov, 2012:
Why didn't I see this site before?

According to this site, the bloggers can set-up filters for their blogs. I haven't tried those steps yet, so I have no idea if those steps still works.

16 Nov, 2012:
I was hit by again! The Koreans just never give up! I mean no matter how I write/spin it, this is just ridiculous. I got over 190 views just for this one post, certainly those Koreans can see that I had the source of refer spam on the list, and they just do not stop hitting my blog. Irk!
那些韓國人又來了。真的是~我真的想不出有甚麽不駡噁心話的說法。我這一頁文章已有超過190次瀏覽了,韓國人怎麽說也都該知道 已經被列出來了。還來?噁!

27 Nov, 2012:
I just checked my stats again, the spam source from Russia had stopped, I no longer getting any hit from Russians, so at least this post is telling them to stay away. But the Koreans?

3 Dec, 2012:
I just checked the traffic source of the hits my blog got. This past 7 days I got a hit from Kenya. Huh?
Anyway, here is a thought:
Everyone who is not happy that his/her blog is getting refer spam, copy my action on this post, or copy my post. After all, I first got this idea from what I had put at the beginning of this post, and copied this Indian's action.

5 Feb, 2013:
O my ... whatever, those Koreans just love SPAM. hit here 3 times in the past week, they actually think this is going to attract viewers to Koreans, get a grip of reality, I do not want you. And what is that That does SPAM too? Now I know, Malaysia has referral spammers too.

6 April, 2013:
Just checked the stats again. Koreans are really pesky, just will not stop refer spam.
I got two new refer spam sites:
Why My blog did not mention anything about Sabah being invaded.

15 May, 2013:
OK, this is definitely a new source of REFER SPAM., it disguise itself as somekind of forum for current affairs discussions, but actually is somekind of paid promotion site.

21 May, 2013:
This NSFW site, that disguises itself with this innocent sounding url:
is a referral spam site, and worse, it installs pesky tracking cookies, and capture your IP address the moment you are linked to the site. So it displays ADULT ONLY KIND OF ADS near and around your location.
FYI: NSFW is acronym for Not Suitable For Work, another way of saying this is a porn site.

I keep a list of weird behaviour websites that hit my blog: is a furniture ads) is a printer ads) is a movies site) gears ads?) ads) ads from Korea, somekind of art retailer, gallery)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Will The One Najib try to stop Bersih again?

Okay, if anyone is reading this, I am ready for the brickbats.

3.13pm Saturday, 28th April, 2012.
I did not go to Bersih. Instead I just read about it on internet, in fact right now I am watching the videos posted on youtube, and the postings on Malaysiakini, and Malaysiainsider.

At the time I am typing this, no video posted on vimeo yet.

As everyone who pays attention to Bersih 3.0 already knew, starting around 6pm last night, people who wanted to participate in Bersih already converged around the 6 converging points, as we all anticipated the roads leading into Kuala Lumpur city centre will be blocked. And sure it was, starting from 6am today, 58 roads are blocked. As of the time I am typing this, I have no idea if the road blocks were cleared.

As I am not on the spot, so I am repeating what is already reported on Malaysiakini.
At 2.34pm, at Masjid Jamek, Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan says the rally has been a success and urged the crowd to disperse, but the crowd keep on chanting "Dataran! Dataran!"

And the photos posted by the citizens, this is definitely a new chapter in journalism in Malaysia, as fellow Malaysian citizens posting their photos of news events online, we get to see the photos from all sort of angles, not those filtered by the editors and news agencies, it certainly makes it hard for the power to be to tell lies.

Kudos Bersih 3.0. Maybe we cannot stop the election fraud in the impending election, but we certainly will not be deceited and remain quiet.

Bersih 3.0 is not in Malaysia only, a lot of Malaysian citizens who works abroad are also attending the Bersih 3.0 rallies in other countries, in support of Bersih 3.0 at home. The road ahead is long, but we will keep going.

Update, added on 3.50pm Saturday, 28th April, 2012:
Just scrolled through the photos on Malaysiakini website.
And in this photo, who are those men in red long-sleeved t-shirts?

Just read this on

3.50pm, pockets of demonstrators are being chased by police near Sogo Shopping Mall.
4:10pm - Jalan TAR - A group of protesters sit along the closed Jalan TAR road. An ice-cream seller is doing a roaring business as protesters seek to quench their thirst.  FRU fire chemical-laced water at them in front of Kamdar department store along Jalan TAR.
So far 35 individuals had been arrested.

This is fun, it is clearly The One Najib is truly afraid. And this is the first time I am following a live report of a rally online.

Update, at 4.37pm.
From Malaysiakini,
at 4.27pm, near Maybank building, protesters are hauling empty water bottles at the trucks of police.

Scrolling through the photos of the event online, I saw the photo of KLCC, one of the 6 converging points, and I do not see any mention of what is happening at the place right now, as in nothing? Because a lot of luxurious goods outlets are there?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Merdeka Square To be Closed for 48 hours

We are really living in a bygone era here in Malaysia. DBKL just announced yesterday, that starting from 6pm today, Merdeka Square will be closed for 48 hours, until 6pm Sunday.

I know this is old news already, but I just read the news just now, so I live in really snail paced kind of life style.

But back to the 48 hours close off. What was DBKL thinking? A lot of those people in the government actually have children who graduated from universities in USA. Certainly they had heard about the Civil Rights Movement in USA? Back then they parks were closed. And see the USA today? You cannot segregate people any more. If is a proven failed tactic. I actually DBKL would serve up something more creative. So disappointed.

Anyway, to those of you who are going to gather at 1 of the 6 points in Kuala Lumpur, remember to pack a lot of water, raincoat, motorcycle helmet, and of course, mobile phones with camera, video camera, and wi-fi capabilities. Wait, will the wi-fi be cut-off on 28 April? And phone services? Perpare to run, wear cross-trainers.





Wednesday, April 25, 2012

還是 Bersih。 We Need Bersih.
Bersih 3.0 theme song, Tears of Malaysia

I actually wanted to take a break from internet for a few weeks, to concentrate on reading manga. But after reading today's newspaper, just have to post this.

In Johor, a high ranking officer working at the Ministry of Education has been demoted to a high school. And all the Chinese in Malaysia just believe this is a warning to the people who speak against the shortage of qualified teachers in Chinese primary school. And of course this notion is officially rebuked.

We really need Bersih.

淚光是 Bersih 3.0 的主題曲。



現在我真的全心支持 Bersih 了。連 Bersih 也被壓下去的話,還有救嗎?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The heat for Bersih 3.0 is on

Even an amateur hermit like me can feel that the heat for Bersih 3.0 April 28 is getting hotter by the day. Not just the Kuala Lumpur mayor calls for the movement to move the venue to Bukit Jalil or Merdeka Stadium, but also a lot of talks on the web. Even my drown in the sea kind of blog got some hits to entries about ISA and Bersih.

Now, should we prepare for the water canon on this coming Saturday? I strongly suggest to those who are going to attend, wear motorcycle helmet, have a raincoat ready, and bring a few bottles of water, should be like 4~5 litres, and of course your phones that have cameras, with mobile upload capability. I mean, I actually expect water canon on the day. Anyone else has the money on water canon?

Yeah! Government is saying there is a Peaceful Assembly Act, and it should be respected. We should see on the day.

4月28日 Bersih 3.0 快到了。我這阿宅也感到氣氛開始熱起來了。吉隆坡市長叫 Bersih 去體育館,網上的討論也多了。連我這淹沒在網絡中的部落格中有提到內安法令的和 Bersih 的貼文也受關注了。

這星期 六會不會有水炮?星期天要去獨立廣場的人,當天該戴安全帽,帶雨衣,再加上好幾瓶水,起碼要4~5公升,當然也要有拍照,上網功能的手機。我是預定了當天會有水炮的。有誰也這麽說的?

沒錯 ,政府說要遵敬和平集會法令的。到時方知。

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Royal Concert on 21st April, 2012; what will be on 28th?

On Saturday, 21st Apr, 2012, the Royal Concert was held at Dataran Merdeka, in honour of the inauguration of the new King. And those campers at the square moved out, to make way for the concert.

What I see is that Kuala Lumpur City Hall and Selangor Club are getting more creative in their effort of keeping the undesired activities off the grass of the square. So, what new scheme will the 2 serve up to stop the Bersih on Saturday, 28th Apr, 2012? Nothing on the news yet. Googled and found nothing too. What will it be? The suspense is really killing me.

And strangely enough, just talks of seeking approval from the Kuala Lumpur City Hall for the use of the square; like those campers said they already got the approval from it. But what about Selangor Club? The square is no longer the property of Selangor Club? Since when?

Thursday, April 19, 2012


On Thursday 19th April, 2012, a rainy day for Kepong. And guess what? Kepong is flooded. Yes, one fine rainy day and Kepong is flooded. It's not even a record setting kind of rain.

Saw it on the evening news, then checked online, and what I gathered is that at 2.30am Thursday 19th April, 2012, the campers (who claimed to be university students), at Dataran Merdeka (Independence Square), were attacked by a group dressed in black t-shirts. And strangely enough, the police at the scene did not do anything to stop the what-kind-of-people-in-black while the attack happened. Certainly a public punch-up in Malaysia is illegal, right? Like can be prosecuted in court. And all the parties say they have no idea who those people in black are. Lightning fast response to make sure they are not linked to the attack.
The size of the thugs various, depending which source you believe in, some say, 40, some say 60, some even put it to 60~70, so it is a range of 40~70. Anyway, check out the videos at, and you can understand why it is hard to get an exact figure.

I found a video of the aftermath on youtube:

And 2 videos on

And something is fishy about those campers. They have been there for days, and how come we did not see anything like the riot police come to water canon them, or Selangor Club block the Dataran Merdeka? After all, the square is the property of Selangor Club.

Only in Malaysia.


黑衣人的人數難以確定,有的報導是40人,也有說60,70的。人數就從40至70人。反正難以確定就是了。看在 的視頻就會相信的了。

在 youtube  有之後的視頻:



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Can only happen in Malaysia, especially with her ISA and the upcoming replacer.

Malaysia just never stopped to create new world record. Well, in effort that is, but can Malaysia achieve any world record on her own merit? You'll be the judge.

The latest attempt:
On 17th April, 2012, The Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War (KLFCW) announced that it had decided to prosecute Tony Blair and George Walker Bush Jr. for war crimes; after 2 years of investigation after receiving complains from victims of 2009 Iraq War.

Huh? What is that KLFCW? I googled and found this website:

It is Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War. And its founder and current chairman, is none other than the one and only Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, 4th Prime Minster of Malaysia, as stated in the website.
 What gave your the authority to prosecute, trial and judge? And you actually expect they are going to recognize your court? To even bother to submit defense, as a sign of submitting to your power? Get real.

And with ISA going to be replaced by a new, tighter, more power for the power to be set of laws, how can Malaysia even expect other countries to look at Malaysia as having any moral ground to pass judgment on others? Where is the credibility? Only in Malaysia.


人家會理你?你那來的司法權力?而且馬來西亞的內安法令 (ISA)只是將會被更可怕的新法令取代而已,你那來的公信力?這真的是世界紀録。馬來西亞才能創出的世界紀録。只在馬來西亞。

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Looks like REFER SPAM 希望只是SPAM

I keep on getting hits from 2 unlike origins: former USSR and Taiwan; and the only one post being viewed is the one about ISA.

Now, former USSR is known for Russian gangster and internet crimes; Taiwan also has a very high internet crime rates. So does it mean I am the target of some O.C.? But why the ISA post? I checked on the blogspot forum, and apparently a lot of bloggers also got the same strange hits from former USSR. So I am not alone. But Taiwan? That place is only superficially open and democratic, underneath the skin, it is still highly secretive and the government is exercising real tight surveillance on the people. I know, I was there not too long ago. And I post with pen-name, so could not be from either friend or foe, but perfect strangers.

Really hope this is only REFER SPAM.


前蘇聯和台灣有好多網上犯罪組織,我被盯上了?在 的用戶論壇,有不少人也說有來自前蘇聯的溜覽,那不止我了。

可是台灣的? 我不是太久前才從台灣回來,那地方只是表面開放自由,底子裏還是高度監視的,高度警戒的。我用的是筆名,所以敵友都不可能,訪客只會是陌生人。


By the way, can take out the view count from those weird websites? I really hope the count can be set to show the real hit I got, instead of the spam hit I got.

No Right To Refuse

OK, it is finally in the news.
The replacement for ISA, however it is packaged, advertised, promoted, now the 2nd reading in the parliament actually showed one of its strongest point:
Under the new act, after the police had locked-up this individual, and the 1st remand period is expired, the police must apply to the court for an extension to keep this individual in custody; and the court must approve, the court has no right to deny the application for an extension of the remand period. What else do they need? There is plenty more in the bill that is not publicized yet. We Malaysians have much to fear for this new act. And it is definitely going to get passed, and come into effect before June, as the government just told all the departments to get ready for the election. It had to be in May, or June this year. Malaysians, embrace yourselves for the worst.
Only in Malaysia.

Just have to add this:
Sat, 14th Apr, 2012, the evening news reported that a school master said, one of his teachers, who happened to be an Indian woman, came to him crying, because her students shouted at her, told her to go back to India, for not teaching them English in Mandarin. So Malaysian Chinese told people to go back to India, so when those people backed by the cabinet ministers told Chinese to go back to Tong-San, where were those Chinese students?





A side note:
Just checked the stats again, it showed Firefox and Chrome are the top web-browsers that hit my blog. Sadly, because of the tied-up with the PC vendors, Windows is still the main OS. Anyway, since people hardly use IE anymore, we can see that Wintel is actually dying. Hooray.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Now Malaysian Chinese know the Orang Asli are Malaysians too

14th April, Saw it on the 8 o'clock news, Malaysian Chinese actually call for schools for the Orang Asli. OK, now they know they have the rights to education too.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

It rained in the afternoon of Friday 13 April, 2012

Ever since the rain, I have yet to check with the people in the downtown area, did it flood again. We who live in Kuala Lumpur are so used to the "It's raining, so the area around Bukit Bintang, Petaling Street, Central Market, flooded." well, how should I put it? NATURAL OCCURRENCE. Yes, NATURAL OCCURRENCE. It is only nature that the area is flooded every time it rains in Kuala Lumpur. Only in Malaysia.


I checked stats of my blog, and a large percentage of the hits are from Russia. And the source URL is not accessible from my point of connection. Blocked?  That www4 is not accessible? What kind of website is that? And discounting the hits I generated while checking the looks of my own blog, I actually got some hits from total strangers. And the hits are mostly from Russia. The online surveillance hired by Malaysian government? And here I am, thought no one is paying any attention to my grumbling.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The 1st official attack after Mar 25?

The Deputy Prime Minister said it publicly, the people at 3.25 (March 25th) gathering are liars. Now just how do the Malaysian Chinese feel about that? We had been fighting to have adequate qualified teachers for the primary schools, as promised by the government; and year after year for decades, every new school year the parents and the school boards had to pay for substitute teachers, out of their own pockets. Now the government actually openly call Malaysian Chinese liars? "Cow? What Cow?" is not enough to describe this, this is beyond, a whole new word should be invented for this. A new word created because of The Muyuddin. Only in Malaysia.


接下來還會有多少次的官方攻擊?董總那些怕死又要面子的歐吉桑,接下來要如何招架?以爲 ISA 真的取消了?新法令更可怕。THE ONE NAJIB 可以等到明年才大選的;那今年把你們關起來又怎樣?

英文海洋 tsunami 是從日文來的。
日文叫作 津波 つなみ。
英文因爲不知道是 tsunami 是羅馬化的英文讀音,所以照英文,把 t 消音,唸成了 sunami。

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ISA on its way out? What a laugh!

Just read it from The Malaysian Insider, it got this headline

With ISA on its way out, Anwar calls for more law reforms

The Internal Security Act (ISA) is not out in Malaysia, it is only being repackaging into a bundle of different laws, and the new laws are actually more specific, tigher, and give the government more power.

So Anwar calls for more law reforms? What law reform? He was part of the power to be, certainly he understand how his former comrades work.  Any talk about passing new laws governing the printing, publishing, press freedom, and students unions, are just new ways to tighten the control, with more details, wider range and more powers for the One Najib. And Anwar is dancing to the tunes of the One Najib? Like Anwar wanted Malaysians to like the new laws? Just what is Anwar thinking? Anwar thinks he is wearing the hat of PR for the BN? Like he hopes to get back into BN, and be appointed as the successor to the One Najib?

Now I am worried. Only in Malaysia can we get politicians like these bunch. 

A side note:
I checked on the statistics on my blog, and it turned out that I actually got hits from former USSR region. And the websites that referred to my blog, some of them actually cannot be access from Malaysia, I tried. Belows are the un-accessible websites:
Who and what are those people reading my blogs? I wonder.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Najib's tv campaign, who cares?

Last night, the one Najib appearred on tv, an election campagin disguised as what? Informercial? He did not have to pay for it, though. It's pre-recorded, and the 2 newspeople? actually had problem organising their supposedly questions? They forgot what was written in the script?

どうも ありがとう ございます
doumo arigatou gozaimasu
Always have problem remember the exact spelling to this word.
It is doumo どうも. Remember remember, commit to memory.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lynas sues Malaysians

Hard to believe it, but Lynas is actually lawsuits against a list of persons (real persons and legal entities) in Malaysia for defamation. I actually believe Lynas can take this to court. Only in Malaysia. Dead right.


What day is today?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Buddy Bears Malaysia: an Israel bear was here.

Isreal Bear
This is Israel Bear at Buddy Bears Malaysia. As you can see, this was taken on 1st Feb, 2012. The Buddy Bears exhibition was outside Pavilion, Star Hill.

The reason I mention this bear is because a lot of Malaysians thought that Malaysian government, as it is officially supporting Palestinians, would object to have Israel bear here. But there it was.

And yesterday, an English daily just reported a ballet troupe from Singapore was not allowed to perfrom in Malaysia because they wear tights and tutus. Huh?! That's ballet right? The costumes are always tights and tutus. So ballet is considered a kind of pornography in Malaysia? Just what kind of people are running this country? Only in Malaysia, definitely.

Note to self: I position this photo this way because does not give me way to rotate the photos, I can only rotate the photo on my computer before upload, so I leave the picture this way as a reminder to myself.


四 月
し がつ

昨日  は 水  曜  日 です。
きのう は すい よう び です。

今日 は 木 曜 日 です。
きょうは き ようび です。

明日  は 金  曜  日 です。
あした は きん よう び です。

Fraud ring from China based in Malaysia

Newspaper reported on Friday  that a ring of fraudsters from People's Republic of China and Republic of China had set up their operation bases in Malaysia. What a surprise, to me that is.

According to the news, the police actually hit those expensive houses (I do not use 'mansion' here, as the idea is so far from those houses.), expecting to burst a drug ring. Instead they found the houses to be the ops centre for an international phone scammmers, and soccer bookies. According to the news about the second burst on the ops center on a different location of the same organisation, I still have no idea if the soccer bookies part is part of the fraud too.

Anyway, according to what I read, all members are from mainland China and Taiwan, so do they concentrate on the Chinese populations only, worldwide? or actually the entire world population? The Chinese accencted English must be really hard to shake-off. Had to be targetting Chinese only. Malaysia is such a hot spot for criminal organizations to set up their bases, only in Malaysia right?


日本語 にほんご
四月 しがつ
昨日は金曜日です。 きのうはきにょうびです。
今日は土曜日です。 きょうはどようびです。
明日は日曜日です。 あしたはにちようびです。

日 曜 日 月 曜 日 火 曜 日 水 曜 日 木 曜日 金 曜 日 土曜 日
にちようび げつようび か ようび すいようび か ようび きんようび どようび

四月 しがつ

学校 がっこう、幼稚園 ようちえん、小学校 しょうがっこう、
中学校 がっこう 高校 高校 大学校 だいがっこう

 お早うお願いします。 おはよう おねが いしまう。
今晩は。 こんばんは。
お休みなさい。 おやすみなさい。
始めまして、どぞよろしくお願いします。 はじめまして、どぞよろしくお願いします。

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Open Source software, anyone?

Just read it on The Sun Daily, it got this piece with the title:

Software piracy in M'sia worrisome, says software analyst

Hello! Don't you know there are practically at least one open source software for every single possible application? From OS to web browser, to wordprocessor, to office suite, to DTP, not to mention games, all are free for download and distribute, provided the distributor only distribute the verbatim copy of the software, along with the open source license. So why is the BS fussing about only 228 are recognised out of 2000 companies that had joined the government's Genuine Corporate Award?

We need to have a free software awareness campaign in Malaysia. Especially the fact that the open source softwares are actually less buggy than Microsoft products.

There are so many out there, just google for them.


這些人是那裏不對勁,如此沒見識?現在互聯網上那麽多免費軟體供下載,各種用途的,連操作系統都有,誰還要去 盜版?那專家真的有問題。馬來西亞人該向所有人介紹甚麽叫免費軟體。

Bersih April 28

Well, I just read it online, that Bersih  is going to have another rally on 28th April. This time it will be multiple locations. And the Malaysian government think they can silence Bersih? Only in Malaysia.

Government lies openly.

 To learn a language, one is bound to make mistakes while learning, so learn from mistakes.

今日 は 水 曜 日 です。
きょうは すいようび です。

Anyway, on to the weird Malaysia, it is weird to read in a English daily that according to Deputy Finance Ministe that the only two out of twenty-three shop-owners along Jalan Sultan have not yet accepted the MRT Corp offer. The same news is also reported in Chinese daily. But according to the one Chinese daily I read, the shop-owners had come out to say that none of them had signed any agreement with MRT Corp, rebuking the Deputy Finance Minister.

The same Chinese daily aslo reported the statements from the shop-keepers along Jalan Sultan, Petaling Street and the nearby areas. Those shop-keepers asked, as the tenants of those shops, what are they going to do for the publicised 6 months construction period? And not just along Jalan Sultan, as in the big advertisement placed by MRT Corp, but Petaling Street and a number of other streets nearby will have to be closed too.

There you have it, the very same issue, one newspaper give it an in-depth, statements from all party involved wide coverage, another give it a little oblong box, and clearly bias report. And to think that a high ranking Federal officer actually lies openly, only in Malaysia.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

They always omit the names of the businesses.

It happened on 29th Mar, but I only saw a news referring to it on newspaper on 2nd April. The news was about fire broke out in a restaurant at KLCC. The name of the restaurant was not mentioned. It was a Chinese daily. Yes, this is what goes on in Malaysia, when something happened at some business that made it to the news, the newspaper always neglected to mention the name of the business. And English dailies almost always mention the names, there are cases that even the English dailies omitted the names as well.

So I checked online. And found it on that it was Chinoz at KLCC that was in smoke because something was burning in its exhaust system in the kitchen. And that is like a scandal that the name of the person involved needed to be protected? Only in Malaysia. Or the same happens somewhere else too?


Those news really got to me.

Housing projects undertaken by unlicensed housing developers? 195 cases of them?

I set myself to post 1 entry per day as a record of my learning curve on Japanese, but when I see the news on newspapers, I just had to post some more on the web. This had to be in Malaysia only. How could they go on unchecked until like forever, because I do not see any action from the government, no mention of the list of those unlicensed housing developers, no mention of how to bring them to justice. Just nothing.

STOP LYNAS 4.13 is coming, and the words on the street in Malaysia is that General Election is coming this June. Now this kind of well now you know kind of news, and the street lamps along Jalan Kepong, near Jaya Jusco Kepong is out for nights, I guess the GE is not a strong enough motivation for the government to pretend they are doing something.

Even general election is enough as a motivation. I guess The Najib is firmly believe he will rule indefinitely, and the GE is only a shame. After all, if he happened to lose the majority seats, he can always call the state of emergency and round up all the people he wanted to round up anyway.




Another 'in Malaysia only' news.

Now I am getting to know the interface of blogger. I did not know how to use a lot of the features before, but as I posting more entries on my blog, I started to familiar myself with the features. So I made more tuning to my blog.

Malaysians were killed in car-bomb explosion in Haadyai, south of Thailand, and so far Malaysian seemed pretty calm about it, no high ranking officials made any public warnings or announcements on tv or anything other media. What is wrong with them? Only in Malaysia, right?

I just mesmerized another Japanese word.
tameiki ため息 ためいき

Monday, April 2, 2012

Made in another country at the souvenir shops

I just hit the local souvenir shops. Those at Pasar Seni, Kuala Lumpur, I mean. I was a little surprised to realised that a lot of the shops there actually carry the stocks from Indonesia, Thailand, and China. Now, who is not made in China?

But to have them in souvenir shops, passing as souvenirs from Malaysia, this is still disturbing to me. But then again, who make those souvenirs in Malaysia anymore? Unless you go to those stalls that sell the customized mugs, plates, that sort things.

A little sad, but now souvenir out-sourcing is the way in Malaysia too. And souvenir out-sourcing is not in Malaysia only.

Back to my Japanese study.
I just learned that there is 2 kind of readings for kanji in Japanese:
On-reading (on-yomi) and Kun-reading (kun-yomi).

On-reading (on-yomi 音読み おにょみ) is the way the kanjis were pronounced when they were introduced to Japan from China, as it happened during Tang Dynasty, like in really ancient time, the pronunciations may be quite different from Standard Mandarin today.

NOTE: For the kanjis developed by Japanese, they have no on-reading.

Kun-reading (kun-yomi 訓読み くにょみ) is a kanji that has its meaning being associated with the native Japanese reading. Or to put it in another way, 'native Japanese sentences are written in Kanjis, and their readings had been associated with the actual way the Japanese sentences were spoken.'
The Kun-reading (Kun-yomi) is the native Japanese reading associated with the meaning of a kanji. 


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Why the news are always reported differently in newspaper in different languages?

Whatever the situation is, a self-motivator will always soldier on.





Last night saw it on the news that blasts hit Thailand's south. My googled result of the news came out with contraction strories. While the website of Chinese dailies in Malaysia said all the blasts appeared to come from bombs, then one English daily reported it was gas explosion at Lee Garden, Hat Yai. Today all the news media reported they were all blasts from bombs. This is really irritating. No way to know the true situation for sure. Only in Malaysia right? No quite, this time, as I looked at, it did not even mention the Lee Garden, just blasts hit southern Thailand.